Dave_LandkamerName: Dave Landkamer

Position: Sea Grant Aquaculture Extension Specialist

Hometown: White Bear Lake, Minnesota

# of years at OSU: 3 Years, Master’s Degree in Aquaculture; 1 Year, current position

Best part of your job: The best part of my job is walking out on the mudflats at low tide to work with oysters, clams, and the hardworking shellfish farmers who collaborate with nature to supply us with delicious seafoods. Aquaculture is such a diverse topic, and I like the variety of projects that come to me; everything from farming mussels, koi, shrimp, trout, and aquarium fish to salmon enhancement and aquaponics.

Something someone might be surprised to know about you:  In another fork of my professional career, I was a National Park Service interpretive ranger, working at Anasazi archaeological sites in the southwest, and studying the meanings that people make from their experiences at those sites.

Favorite book/movie/album:

My favorite albums today: Ronn McFarlan, The Scottish Lute; Jethro Tull,The Best of Acoustic Jethro Tull

My favorite books today: J. R. R. Tolkein, Lord of the Rings Trilogy; Christina Eisenberg, The Wolf’s Tooth: Keystone Predators, Trophic Cascades, and Biodiversity.


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