Apple announced their latest iPhone today, the iPhone 5. It has a thinner/lighter body, although a little bit taller. It also features a faster wireless, faster processor, better camera, better audio, new connector.
If you’re like me, keeping track of my Outlook e-mails, contacts and calendars are probably the most important functions of my mobile devices. If you haven’t set this up yet on yours, here are directions on how to do it:
Multi-screen setup - Macbook, iMac, iPad and iPhone
In a prior post, we addressed the similarities and differences between a laptop computer and an iPad, and whether could replace one with the other. While there are people who have gone to one device, most of us use multiple devices and jump back and forth between them.
Recent research from Google has discovered that “90% of people move between devices to accomplish a goal.” So not only are we using different computing devices, but using them in conjunction. That means it’s not really a question of either or, but rather what do I want to do and which tools do I use to do it.
Thinking of buying and Apple iPhone or iPad? Well, you just might want to hold off for just a little bit more.
There are indications a new iPhone and a possible new iPad Mini will be announced soon. Apple will be rolling out iOS 6 on Sept. 12, 2012, so the chances of these rumors being true are fairly high.
As an owner of iPhone 3GS, I’m looking forward to a new updated phone. As for the iPad Mini, I’ll have to wait and see. I’m not sure a smaller iPad would work for me. But then again, a lower price point might entice me.