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My Chat with a Librarian

  October 26th, 2015

I decided to live chat with a librarian. This was an interesting experience. I found it a little difficult to phrase my question without any background information so I asked a basic question. Once I finally got in contact with the librarian she was so caught up on my original question she wouldn’t listen to my other questions. She also gave me a link to a Wikipedia article.

I was the second person in line and was told my wait time was about 1 minute. I sat there waiting for about 15 minutes. While I have no problem with this because I hoped the librarian would spend that much time with me, that was not the case. After about five minutes of the librarian looking for more information she told me her library was closing soon and to resubmit my question. I resubmitted my question, was told I was 3rd in line and to wait 15 minutes so I stated to write about my experience so far in a different window. I was away from the screen for maybe 3 minutes I was checking back every now and again to make sure I didn’t miss my turn. Apparently I did. And they kicked me off. So I went to submit my question again and now chat was no longer available. This confused me because I thought they advertised 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The next best thing was to email my question. So I did that. I should get a response within two days.

While I think this idea of being able to talk to librarians without having to be there in person is really awesome, I am a little confused by it. At first I was shocked that I was actually talking to a real person from Oregon. In my experience when talking to someone on live chat it is either a robot or someone in another country. I was also a little disappointed because the librarian gave me a Wikipedia article. I also understand that the librarian I was talking to has a job to do and regular business hours I wish she didn’t take my question if she knew she didn’t have time for it.

I found that Google Scholar was the most helpful; I have also found that there isn’t as much information as I thought there would be on my woman inventor. Most of the databases didn’t have any information on her.

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