Oregon State University in collaboration with Portland State University held a one-day course on June 30, 2017 for power systems engineers and related professionals concerned with solutions to the threat of Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquakes and tsunamis.
The course was part of a grant from the Oregon Talent Council to support training for the Oregon workforce in disaster preparedness as it relates to electrical system resiliency.
Members of 17 different companies or other organizations came to the event including representatives from the Bonneville Power Administration, Portland General Electric, Central Lincoln PUD, Pacific Power and the Eugene Water and Electric Board.
The speakers were Ted Brekken, Jinsub Kim, Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez of Oregon State University; Leon Kempner of the Bonneville Power Administration; and Yumei Wang from the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.

Videos from the Oregon State speakers are available on a playlist at the OSU EECS YouTube Channel. Or the individual talks are:
- Part 1: Introduction (Ted Brekken)
- Part 2: Background on the CSZ (Ted Brekken)
- Part 3: Historical Benchmarks (Ted Brekken)
- Part 4: Protection, Microgrids, and Clustering (Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez)
- Part 5: Cybersecurity (Jinsub Kim)
- Part 6: Metrics and Performance Based Earthquake Engineering Method (Ted Brekken)
Other training supported by the Oregon Talent Council grant includes an on-campus course that Brekken taught in the spring term of 2017, and an on-line course that will be released this summer by the Oregon State University Office of Professional and Continuing Education meant for practicing professionals.