Thanks to feedback from Master Gardeners across the state we have a great lineup of webinar topics & speakers for spring 2018.  Get a jump on your continuing education hours!


An important part of being a Master Gardener is staying current on the latest horticultural science.  With that in mind, OSU Extension has developed a webinar series to supplement other classes you may take this year.  The webinars will focus on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and each topic is presented by OSU experts.  Remember, you need at least 10 hours of approved education by October 31 to be recertified.  Each webinar in this series is approved for 1 hour of continuing education.

What is a webinar?  A webinar is a seminar that is presented over the internet.  The presenter(s) will show slides and photos while they are speaking on their topic.  There is a chat box to enter your questions.  Each webinar will be ~40 minutes long and followed by a moderated Q&A session.

How do I participate? For more information on each session click the link below.
Once you’re there, click on the “Location” link to pre-register for the webinar and get emailed reminders.  There is no cost to participate and the webinars are open to all.  If you can’t attend the live webinar, a recording will be available at a later date.

Spring 2018 Advanced Training Webinars for Master Gardeners

1/29 at 11 am PST Frontiers in Slug & Snail Management presented by Dr. Rory Mc Donnell

2/12 at 10 am PST Hybridization and Tetraploids and Chromosomes, Oh My! Understanding Plant Breeding for Disease Resistance presented by Dr. Ryan Contreras

3/12 at 11am PST Identifying & Managing the Bronze Birch Borer presented by Nicole Sanchez

4/16 at 11am PST Powdery mildew: Biology & Management in the Garden presented by Dr. Jay Pscheidt


7 thoughts on “Spring 2018 Webinars for Master Gardeners

  1. I was unable to participate in yesterday’s webinar. Will it be recorded and available at a later date.

    I am very interested in future webinars and would very much appreciate any notifications. I am new to this program. I am a Denton County (Texas) Master Gardeners

    Thank you

    • Yes, a recording will be posted on each of the Learn eXtension pages usually within a few days of the webinar. If you pre-register for the webinars you will get reminders before they start. Not sure if it sends you an email when the recording is posted.

  2. I missed the Slugs and Snails webinar on Monday, January 29. I am delighted that I can view the recording!! What an awesome service. Many thanks. My question is: Is there a way that I can log into the recording session with my webinar ID to get Master Gardener continuing education credit for the recorded lecture?
    Thank you

    • Glad you enjoyed it! At this point I don’t have a way to keep track of who is viewing the recording. BUT, I’m working on a system that will allow you to take a quick quiz on the webinar content and generate a pdf certificate. Have to work out the details but hope to have it up and running soon (and have it available for all the webinars in the spring 2018 series). Keep an eye out-I’ll email & post when it’s ready!

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