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CLA This Week — 1/7/19


Friday, Jan. 11

Live Oral History! — Come learn about the consequences of nuclear weapons production by listening to the experiences of lawyer and Downwinder Trisha Pritkin as she is recorded sharing some of her life talking with author Jacob Darwin Hamblin, PI on NSF grant “Reconstructing Nuclear Environments and the Downwinders’ Case.”4 p.m. Valley Library Room 1420 (in the basement, floor 1).

Upcoming Events

What Transpires Now: Transgender Histories & Futures — In this talk drawn from her work in progress, “What Transpires Now,” Susan Stryker explores the relationship between the transgender past and present, and how history can inspire us to reimagine the future. The talk will focus on the story of Frances Thompson, whose life became the focus of a national scandal in the 1870s. She is founding co-editor of the journal “TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly,” author of “Transgender History: The Roots of Today’s Revolution,” and co-director of the Emmy-winning documentary film “Screaming Queens: The Riot at Compton’s Cafeteria.” Thursday, January 17, 5 p.m. LaSells Stewart Center, C&E Auditorium.

Current Research, Publications and Creative Activity

Daniel López-Cevallos, associate professor, Latinx Studies & Ethnic Studies, School of Language, Culture, and Society, co-authored a brief report in Spanish, highlighting key findings form the 2016-2017 evaluation, to be shared with Latinx families and community partners:  López-Cevallos DF, Young A, Gómez-Diazgranados A, Sherman J, Reyes Y, García J (2018). Juntos OSU Open Campus Reporte de Evaluación 2016-2017: Resumen Ejecutivo, Division of Outreach and Engagement, Oregon State University, November 30, 2018; 7p.

Stephanie Jenkins, assistant professor of philosophy, made music news with the announcement of an Academic Conference Devoted to Phish. The conference will be held at the Oregon State University’s campus between May 17 – 19, 2019. Jenkins was also featured on the “Ask Trey” segment of the JamOn SiriusXM station where Phish’s guitarist answered her question.

Associate Dean of the Honors College and Associate Professor of English Tara Williams and Associate Professor of English Rebecca Olson published “Globalizing the Literature Survey in a Short-Term Study Abroad Program” in a special joint issue of the “ADE Bulletin” and “ADFL Bulletin” (https://www.ade.mla.org/bulletin/article/ade.156.75).

Assistant Professor Bradley Boovy (SLCS) and Associate Professor Marta Maldonado (SLCS) co-authored the book chapter “Understanding the Working in Working Waterfronts: The Hidden Faces of the Industries that Make up the Working Waterfront” with Jamie Doyle (OSU Extension) and Flaxen Conway (MRM) in the volume “Coastal Heritage and Cultural Resilience,” edited by Lisa L. Price and Nemer E. Narchi. Springer, 2018, pp. 223-242.

Ron Mize recently published a new blog post on the midterm elections and the amplified xenophobia of Trumpism to promote his new book, “Latina/o Studies” (2018, Short Introductions Series, Cambridge, U.K.: Polity Books), currently available in the UK and to be released later this month in North America. See http://politybooks.com/latinao-studies/. He also published:

  • “Immigration Should Not be Reduced to a Cost-Benefit Analysis.” “Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society,” ABC-CLIO, 2018, Available online here.
  • “The State Management of Guest Workers: The Decline of the Bracero Program, the Rise of Temporary Worker Visas,” in Maddalena Marinari, Madeline Hsu, and Maria Cristina Garcia eds. “A Nation of Immigrants Reconsidered: US Society in an Age of Restriction, 1924-1965” (Studies of World Migration). 2018. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

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