Correlation vs. Causation: Tourists’ Impact on Locals’ Happiness

For the travelers out there,

It is more than likely you have witnessed how locals often despise tourists. I wonder if this is a correlation or causation scenario. As I sit here before my pint of beer pondering this question, I reflect on my time traveling in Europe this summer.

Many countries I visited didn’t like tourists, especially in countries with more tourists floating around. This was a common scene:

picture-with-ipadGreece 2010 072

There were plenty of people with their iPads, taking pictures in front of inanimate objects that they may not fully understand the significance of. When I spoke to locals this often irritated them beyond belief.

The argument for correlation:

Maybe, just maybe, the people of these countries are just bitter people. The locals of countries seem to have been less tourist friendly than countries farther north. Perhaps their cultures are more reserved in regards to showing positive emotions [I am doubting this]. I mostly write this as a means of discrediting that it is merely correlational.

The argument for causation:

My theory is this is due to the locals being forced to work and ignore their wonderful countries while other people come in and have all the fun. They see people running around not speaking their language and acting pompous. Of course this would frustrate the masses. Thus, these places with beautiful climates and more sites (such as Italy) attract higher amounts of tourists. The residents of countries with less tourists likely are more receptive to tourists as they are not constantly swarmed by them.


Verdict: This argument is an eternal one, but my vote is for the causation. Share your thoughts and remember to upvote this post.

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