Sustainable Student Spotlight: AASHE Conference Experience

A couple weeks ago, Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) had their annual conference in Baltimore, Maryland. Oregon State had a few representatives from the Student Sustainability Initiative (Jen Christion-Meyers), and the Center for Civic Engagement (Jeremy Chu). Jeremy Chu, the Internal Coordinator for CCE, and a current Oregon State Student […]

Sustainable Student Spotlight: Rikki Gibson

Public transit is an easy way to reduce total emissions by reducing the amount of cars on the road. Corvallis offers free bus transit, and Oregon State Computer Science major, Rikki Gibson made an app that makes it even easier to skip the car, and ride the bus. Starting the summer of 2014, Rikki Gibson […]

Sustainable Student Spotlight: Claire Couch

Meet our sustainable student of the week, Claire Couch! Claire is a Ph.D student studying integrative biology. She is researching wildlife disease ecology on the OSU Corvallis campus, specifically focusing on hoof and mouth disease outbreaks among African buffalo. This is to monitor how disease spreads through wildlife, domestic animals and humans, and in this […]

Sustainable Student Spotlight: Justin Tran

Justin Tran is our Sustainable Student of the week! Justin is a third year student, double majoring in Chemical Engineering and Sustainability. He is involved in a research project with Dr. Nick Auyeung on campus, focusing on using thermochemical energy! The project is storing the sun’s energy using a chemical reaction then reversing that reaction […]

Sustainable Student Spotlight: Eco-Reps!

\We are happy to announce (and shine the spotlight on) our 2015-2016 Eco-Representatives! Eco-Reps are responsible for encouraging a culture of sustainability in the residence halls in which they live. They educate residents about sustainable lifestyles and resources, assist with marketing and outreach efforts for sustainability programs, and plan and execute sustainability-focused events. They also […]

Sustainable Student Spotlight: Tai Odaniell

  Tai Odaniell is a sophomore at OSU studying Chemical Engineering who is committed to making the world a more sustainable environment. Tai was a part of the Johnson Internship Program for the School for Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering this summer and helped develop a solar dish that uses parabolic mirrors to concentrate sunrays […]