Corvallis Performs a Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Sustainability Program specialist Scott Dybvad got in touch with us about the city’s first Greenhouse Gas Inventory. “The City of Corvallis released results of the first Community Greenhouse Gas Inventory. The final report shows overall greenhouse gas emissions for the community in 2012 were 1,257,115 Metric Tons Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (MT CO2e). The year 2012 […]
Drive Less Save More SouthTown paid internship
Cascades West Rideshare, in partnership with the City of Corvallis and Oregon Department of Transportation, is launching a campaign called Drive Less Save More SouthTown to help South Corvallis residents walk, bike, and use transit more often. Cascades West Rideshare is selecting an intern to serve as an Outreach Ambassador to conduct outreach and administrative […]
Alternative Zero Week Trip Opportunity
Trip Basics: 2014 Alternative Break Trip – Zero Week, Monday June 16th to Friday June 20th Exploring Cultural Engagement, Policy Issues, & Community Wellbeing: Warm Springs, Oregon Trip Cost: $75 (includes 4 dinners & 1 lunch) The Details Discover various factors impacting cultural engagement, tribal policy and community well being in Warm Springs by exploring […]
SSI Travel Grantee: Amy Kordosky
Amy Kordosky received an SSI Travel Grant of $250 to travel to Costa Rica during OSU’s Spring break and participate in a construction & renovation project in San Jose. She wrote up a blog post for the Ecologue to describe her experience and provided a few pictures. ________________________________________ Ten engineers from Oregon State University, including […]
Sustainable printing, it’s not all about the paper!
When printing in an office or for school you may be printing large amounts of material multiple times. Printing double sided, and trimming down content is always a great way to cut back on material use. Those are great ways to start, but if you could save yourself even more money at the printer by […]
TOP Indicators help with Tracking Oregon’s Progress
Newly released by the Oregon Community Foundation and the OSU Rural Studies Program, Tracking Oregon’s Progress, or TOP Indicators are a new addition to the Oregon Explorer and Rural Communities Explorer’s Communities Reporter Tool. They are aimed at helping understand trends in Oregon’s economy, people and communities and environment. The TOP indicators include 89 metrics […]
Third Climate Change Conversation to be Hosted Tomorrow
Content adapted from Debra Whigbes Seven Steps toward a More Sustainable Household Date and Time: Tuesday, March 11th at 7:00 PM Place: Corvallis-Benton County Library (645 NW Monroe) Feeling helpless about climate change and don’t know what to do? Consider this. Seven experts will talk about how good it can be on the path toward […]
Transformation without Apocalypse: How to Live Well on an Altered Planet
The Spring Creek Project’s Winter Symposium kicks off tomorrow and runs through Saturday The College of Liberal Arts– Spring Creek Project, presents Transformation Without Apocalypse, a two-day event discussing climate change, alternative visions of the future, and community awareness. The event will take place in LaSelles Stewart Center, beginning Valentine’s Day and running until 7:30 […]
OSU student study sustainable business practices in Corvallis
In spring 2013, Dr. Hilary Boudet’s class of public policy graduate students embarked on a partnership with the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition to help answer the following question: How can the Coalition encourage local businesses to implement more sustainable practices? The class also addressed questions of defining what a sustainable business practice looked like. A primary […]
2014 Alternative Spring Break applications due Monday!
This year, the Center for Civic Engagement is offering three spring break trips from March 22 to March 29, 2014. This is a unique opportunity for students to bond, learn, and serve. Trips for 2014 include: Hunger & Homelessness in San Francisco, California, Estimated Trip Cost: $435 (includes 4 dinners and breakfast) Community & Cultural […]