WAHASC Spotlight: Spokane, WA

The Washington Higher Education Sustainability Conference (WAHASC) is coming up, February 16-17. This year, our friends Gonzaga University is hosting the conference in Spokane, WA. Here is a little information about the City of Spokane. The City of Spokane has taken great strides in adopting sustainable practices in its air, water, land, and energy policies. Read more […]

February 7, 2017

The Washington Higher Education Sustainability Conference (WAHASC) is coming up, February 16-17. This year, our friends Gonzaga University is hosting the conference in Spokane, WA. Here is a little information about the City of Spokane.

The City of Spokane has taken great strides in adopting sustainable practices in its air, water, land, and energy policies. Read more about their sustainability efforts here.

Explore the banks of the Spokane River at the Riverfront and Manito parks, which are only a short walk to the beautiful downtown Spokane area. Take in the Romanesque Revival-style architecture of the city, savor the dining and nightlife scene, and taste Washington’s renowned grapes and hops at any number of local wineries and breweries, all within this destination city immersed in natural beauty.

Thanks to a sponsor for the conference, Spokane Transit Authority, all conference attendees will receive a 2-day transit pass for free public transportation on Feb 16th and 17th.

It is not too late to register to attend! The theme this year for the 2017 conference is “Caring for our Common Home.”  Register here. Here is a note from WAHASC on who should attend:

WAHESC would like to encourage students, faculty, and staff from all departments to participate in this year’s conference. The only prerequisite for participating and engaging in the conference is an interest in learning more about sustainability on their campus. We hope that by broadening the spectrum of conference goers in attendance a larger variety of perspectives will be represented at WAHESC.

A few members from the Sustainability Office are attending, we hope to see you there!

@WeAreWAHESC/ #WAHESC / wahescconference.org


CATEGORIES: Campus Sustainability Events and Outreach