This week’s Staff Spotlight features Kyle Joseph.
Who: Kyle Joseph, Student Worker for Recycling and Surplus for the last year and a half.
What he does here:
I service all department buildings and Residence halls, and any other OSU owned buildings, with their paper, cardboard, and plastic recycling. I also surplus furniture from rooms and offices on campus, and help sell the surplus items back to the campus and public.
One fave thing about his job:
The fact that I have worked my way up to be one of the lead workers.
If he could improve one thing about waste reduction at OSU:
Give people more incentive to recycle by setting some sort of reward/punishment system.
This post is part of the”Recycling/Surplus Staff Spotlight” blog series, which showcases staff from Campus Recycling and Surplus Property and will run regularly during the summer. Tune in throughout the summer for more.
CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Surplus Property Waste Reduction