The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) joins the conversation about sustainability by recognizing the need to focus on social sustainability. Sustainability encompasses environmental, economical, and social issues, yet oftentimes the environment gains more attention above the other two. It remains important to view the thr
ee pillars as integrated as possible and not as separate issues. OSHA stands up and shares their thoughts and goals for creating a more sustainable workplace. In the paper, “Sustainability in the Workplace, a New Approach for Advancing Worker Safety and Health,” OSHA shares the start of the agency’s sustainability journey.
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Safety is the workplace matters if it truly wants to be sustainable and often times worker safety and health are left out of the sustainability vision. OSHA recognizes this and is starting the conversation.
Interested in learning more or sharing ideas? Contact or visit their twitter: @OSHA_DOL
CATEGORIES: Health and Safety