Your Energy Conservation Guide for Winter

Keep your energy bill – and your emissions – low this winter with these energy saving tips! Heating bill through the roof? Try this instead! Open your curtains during the day to let in natural heat from the sun, then close them at night to keep heat locked in. Try bundling up in a cozy […]

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December 7, 2016

Keep your energy bill – and your emissions – low this winter with these energy saving tips!SAVE on digital room thermostat wearing woolly hat

Heating bill through the roof? Try this instead!

  • Open your curtains during the day to let in natural heat from the sun, then close them at night to keep heat locked in.
  • Try bundling up in a cozy sweater or soft blanket before reaching for the thermostat.
  • If you have to use heating, remember to turn it off when you leave your house, and while you sleep at night.
  • If possible, only heat the room you are using.

Decorating? Put a new spin on things!

  • Use LED holiday lights! They require about 75% less energy, and last 2 times longer than traditional lights.
  • Get a real Christmas tree! This will support local farmers, reduce your carbon footprint, and keep harmful plastics out of the environment.
  • Do It Yourself! Deck the halls with some DIY snowflakes and other decorations made out of recycled paper.

Heading out of town? Prep your home before you leave!

  • Unplug all non-necessary electronic devices such as toasters, lamps, chargers, and power strips.
  • You can keep pipes and appliances from freezing by setting the thermostat at just 50 degrees.
  • Close all blinds and curtains to keep heat in while you’re away.


Best of luck on any remaining finals, and have a wonderful, energy-saving Winter break!

Brought to you by Taylor Bennett, SSI CN25 Coordinator.


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CATEGORIES: Energy Student Sustainability Initiative