Are you ready to move out? Help OSU reach its goal in the 2016 Move-out Donation Drive!

Did you know that last year about 34,000 lbs of material was diverted from the landfill and given to local non-profits? This year the goal is to reach 28,000 lbs, and you can help! How You Can Help Live in a Residence Hall? You can prepare for Move-Out by lightening your load now! Bring home […]

May 17, 2016

Did you know that last year about 34,000 lbs of material was diverted from the landfill and given to local non-profits? This year the goal is to reach 28,000 lbs, and you can help!

How You Can Help

Res Hall Move-Out Get ReadyLive in a Residence Hall?

You can prepare for Move-Out by lightening your load now! Bring home any unneeded items when visiting home on the weekends, donate extra clothing in the labeled clothing bins in your Res. Hall laundry room, and eat your food before buying any more.

You can also donate unwanted or extra items into the donation bins located in the first floor lobby of each hall. Donation bins will enter Res. Halls before Memorial Day, and will stay from May 25 through June 13.

Learn more about how to donate, and what you can donate.


Volunteers help collect donated material during the 2016 Move-out Donation Drive.

Assist with the donation drive on June 9th, 10th and 13th, receiving and sorting material with Campus Recycling staff in the warehouse, or joining our crew to go out on routes!

See shift times and sign-up to help using this form.

The Res. Hall Move-Out Donation Drive is a collaboration between OSU Campus Recycling, Surplus Property, and UHDS. Visit the Move-Out page for more information on the Donation Drive.


CATEGORIES: Campus Sustainability Community Sustainability Corvallis Sustainability Coalition (Town Hall- Past Posts) Events and Outreach Surplus Property Waste Reduction