This week’s Staff Spotlight features Pete Lepre.
Who: Pete Lepre, Recycling Program Manager for Campus Recycling for the last 10 years.
What he does here:
I am in charge of operations and overall maintenance of the recycling program. This includes responding to recycling requests from the campus community, managing recycling collection routes, and supervising staff who complete the recycling routes.
One fave thing about his job:
I’m passionate about recycling so I like that everything we touch is recycling.
If he could improve one thing about waste reduction at OSU:
More awareness. I wish that people would respect resources more.
This post is part of the”Recycling/Surplus Staff Spotlight” blog series, which showcases staff from Campus Recycling and Surplus Property and will run regularly during the summer. Tune in throughout the summer for more.
CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Surplus Property Waste Reduction