At the Waste Watchers booth for the Beyond Earth Day Community Fair, we asked fair attendees to come up with reuse ideas for three items we had on display – a glass jar, an old shirt, and a plastic bag. Here’s what they came up with!

Reuse ideas for a glass jar included:
- as a vase for flowers
- as a goldfish bowl
- as a pen holder
- as a coin jar (eg. laundry money)
- to make presents or other crafts in (candles, food, etc.)
- to store collectibles
- to store flour, sugar, etc.
- as a lunch container/for leftovers
- as a beverage container
- as a cover for the foot of a chair (slides easier)
- to store nuts and bolts
- to catch bugs in!

Reuse ideas for an old shirt included:
- to make rags
- to make into a stylish, funky craft shirt
- to tie dye
- to braid and make a jungle gym for pet rats
- to make hair ties and headbands
- to craft into a reusable shopping bag
- as a tourniquet or first aid wrap
- to make a quilt
- as a coffee filter
- to make a scarf
- for straining water or grey waste
Reuse ideas for a plastic bag included:
- to pick-up pet droppings
- to re-fill with bulk items or produce from the market
- as a lunch or sandwich bag
- to make rope
- as a bike seat cover
- as a garbage bag
- to make clothing (recycled fashion show-esque)
- to store homemade baked goods in
- as a cast cover
- as a holder for drippy cleaning brushes and sponges
- as a hoodie for the rain
- as a rain gatherer
- to protect tender plants in early spring

Thank you to all our booth attendees for these great reuse ideas!
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These are all significant actions to reuse the surrounding sources! I will try them. Thanks for sharing.
Among these ideas, I prefer to reuse ideas for a plastic bag.