OSU Joins DOE’s EV Workplace Charging Challenge

Oregon State University is proud to demonstrate its leadership in workplace sustainability by supporting the development of the national plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) charging infrastructure. OSU is pursuing this goal as part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Workplace Charging Challenge – a national partnership that aims to increase the number of employers offering workplace […]

July 16, 2015

Oregon State University is proud to demonstrate its leadership in workplace sustainability by supporting the development of the national plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) charging infrastructure. OSU is pursuing this goal as part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Workplace Charging Challenge – a national partnership that aims to increase the number of employers offering workplace charging to 500 by 2018.

The Workplace Charging Challenge calls upon America’s employers to act as partners and make a bold commitment to provide PEV charging access to their workforce. Partners are employers that commit to assessing employee demand for PEV workplace charging, and developing and executing a plan to provide PEV charging access. See their website for a  list of current partners. In support of those who join the Challenge, DOE provides resources, recognition and peer-to-peer exchange opportunities.


As of January 2015, more than 300,000 PEVs are on U.S. highways, powered by electricity made in America. So far, challenge partners have saved more than 370,000 gallons of gasoline and 2.5 million pounds of carbon pollution. Partner charging stations in operation by June 2014 provided an estimated annual kWh usage of 6.7 million kWh. This usage saves 800,000 gallons of gasoline and avoids 5.5 million pounds of greenhouse gas annually – the equivalent of removing nearly 1,500 average cars from U.S. roads and OSU is excited to add to these accomplishments. To accommodate PEVs, there are currently 21 charging stations spread out at 6 locations on the OSU Corvallis campus. Through its efforts, OSU is helping to reduce petroleum use and greenhouse gas emissions while also providing a valuable employee benefit. OSU is pleased to be leading the charge toward a clean energy future.


Learn more about the  Workplace Charging Challenge and more about EV charging at OSU.



CATEGORIES: Campus Sustainability Community Sustainability Energy Transportation