Title/Nickname: Membership Chair
Degree: Civil Engineering
Year in School: Freshman
When did you start volunteering with the Waste Watchers?
October 2014
What has been your favorite project or event that the Waste Watchers have been involved in?
“Spin to Win” and “Got a Mug? Get FREE Coffee!”
What keeps you volunteering with the Waste Watchers?
I really like what they are centered around (waste reduction) and I like that they are so involved on campus. There is always something going on, some kind of campaign or event or competition and it’s all for a good cause. It feels good to volunteer some of my time to help educate my community in creating a healthier planet.

What would you like to see the Waste Watchers do in the future?
I would love for them to find a way to get involved in sporting events. I know it’s fairly difficult but it would be amazing outreach. Hopefully something can work out in the future.
What is one way you reduce waste in your everyday life?
I try to use resuable items as much as I can. I bring my own cup for to-go drinks and I always refuse a bag – plastic or not. I also just started regularly composting and that takes away a lot of waste.
Want to learn more about the Waste Watchers? Visit the volunteer webpage to learn more about how to get involved.
CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Waste Reduction