Name: Zachary Stark
Title/Nickname: Zachster
Degree: Electrical Engineering
Year in School: Sophomore
When did you start volunteering with the Waste Watchers?
Last year, winter term
What has been your favorite project or event that the Waste Watchers have been involved in?
Repair Fairs hands down.

What keeps you volunteering with the Waste Watchers?
The people are so nice and welcoming while the work is meaningful.
What would you like to see the Waste Watchers do in the future?
Work on the athletics department. They should really care about going green. Their waste is very significant.
What is one way you reduce waste in your everyday life?
I keep a recycle bag next to my trash bag to remind myself to recycle when I’m cooking.
Want to learn more about the Waste Watchers? Visit the volunteer webpage to learn more about how to get involved.
CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Waste Reduction