Now Hiring: Energize Corvallis Project Coordinators

  Energize Corvallis is hiring! Their current open position is a one-year internship for Project Coordinators, who will work to help Energize Corvallis with their mission and help develop, manage, and evaluate community energy efficiency programs and policies. Energize Corvallis is a local organization dedicated to helping Corvallis become one of the most energy efficient and climate-friendly […]

February 25, 2015



Energize Corvallis is hiring! Their current open position is a one-year internship for Project Coordinators, who will work to help Energize Corvallis with their mission and help develop, manage, and evaluate community energy efficiency programs and policies.

Energize Corvallis is a local organization dedicated to helping Corvallis become one of the most energy efficient and climate-friendly cities in the United States. They are a collaboration between the City of Corvallis, Corvallis Environmental Center, Corvallis Sustainability Coalition, and Oregon State University Extension Service of Benton County.

Currently, the city of Corvallis is competing in the Georgetown University Energy Prize competition, in which the city needs to significantly reduce residential and municipal energy use during 2015 and 2016 to win the $5 million dollar prize. The Project coordinator will work with Energize Corvallis to help the city reach these goals.

The Project Coordinator will focus on a variety of topics including community outreach, staff writing, energy analysis, and program development. Students are encouraged to register for internship credit at OSU, LBCC, or another institution of higher education if possible. Energize Corvallis is happy to work with internship coordinators. Students can also explore the opportunity of using this project as part of a senior project, thesis, or dissertation research.

For more information about the position requirements and responsibilities contact Carly Lettero at

Applications are due March 11th, available here.


CATEGORIES: Community Sustainability Corvallis Sustainability Coalition (Town Hall- Past Posts)