The OSUsed Store is open for a 3-day clearance sale this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, August 20-22, at 12-4 pm each day. Take advantage of extended hours and extra low prices!
Look for special green clearance stickers on merchandise throughout the store; the prices on those items will drop throughout the week – 25% off Wednesday, 50% off Thursday and 75% off on Friday! Clearance prices will apply to specially marked items only.
Available merchandise will include computers and computer accessories, furniture (desks, file cabinets, tables, chairs, bookcases, etc), office supplies, sporting goods, household items, bicycles and much more.
The OSUsed Store is located at 644 SW 13th Street in Corvallis (view on Google Maps). The store is operated by OSU Surplus Property and sells surplus equipment and material to departments on campus, as well as members of the public during special public sales, in an effort to reduce landfill waste.

Public sales are typically held on Wednesdays throughout the year. This three-day clearance sale occurs annually at the end of the summer to make room for furniture that is moved around and replaced at the start of the school year.
While our public sales provide an opportunity for the general public to make personal purchases, departments are welcome to shop 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, or during public sales. Clearance prices are only valid during the public sale times listed above, however.
See our other sale dates on our calendar. For more information, visit our public sale page or contact us.
CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Surplus Property Waste Reduction