Free Cob Building Workshop

Beginning Cob Lessons at the Old Mill Center The Old Mill Center for Children and Families is currently hosting a summer     camp for children where participants will learn some introductory cob building skills. The goal is to build a small cob playhouse for the center and volunteer work would be a great help […]

July 23, 2014

old mill centerBeginning Cob Lessons at the Old Mill Center

The Old Mill Center for Children and Families is currently hosting a summer     camp for children where participants will learn some introductory cob building skills. The goal is to build a small cob playhouse for the center and volunteer work would be a great help to get the walls up a little faster.

This is a fantastic learning opportunity for anyone interested in cob/natural building. Experienced builders are more than welcome but they are also happy to show the ropes to those with no experience. In exchange for a little bit of hard work you will learn the basics of what’s involved with building a cob house from the ground up!

This Thursday, July 24, at 1:30pm there will be a a volunteer orientation and work session at the Old Mill Center building site. This orientation will not include any contact with the children.  After Thursday volunteers can come at any time during the week after 1:30 pm. If you can’t come on Thursday but would still like to be involved please contact Zak Kahn at


CATEGORIES: Community Sustainability Events and Outreach