As you may have heard, the Move-out Donation Drive is currently underway! This year, our goal is to divert 28,000 lbs from the landfill, and here’s how you can help:
Students living on campus can donate their extra and unwanted items in one of the donation bins, which are located in the lobby’s of each of the resident halls. The categories of items are as follows:
- Food (Unopened, non-perishable)
- Toiletries
- Dry clothing, towels, and bedding
- Household items (decor, dishes, lamps, etc.)
- Furniture
All food and toiletries should be bagged in the grocery bags provided, while all other donations may be sorted into the blue bags or placed loosely within the
donation bins. Large items, such as furniture and wood scraps, may be placed outside next to the

Ask your Res. Hall’s front desk or RA if you need additional bags.
If you’re not sure where to start, you can download a suggested timeline for move-out here.
Want more information on what’s donatable? Visit the Resident’s page for a detailed guide on how to donate.
The Res. Hall Move-Out Donation Drive is a collaboration between OSU Campus Recycling, Surplus Property, and UHDS. Visit the Move-Out page for more information on the Donation Drive.
CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Waste Reduction
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