Waste Watchers Spotlight: Kyle Reed

Name: Kyle Reed Title/Nickname: Reedcycler Degree: Biology, Marine Option Year in School: Second year When did you start volunteering with the Waste Watchers? I began to volunteer for the Waste Watchers at the beginning of my first term at OSU. What has been your favorite project or event that the Waste Watchers have been involved […]

May 13, 2014

Profile 1Name: Kyle Reed

Title/Nickname: Reedcycler

Degree: Biology, Marine Option

Year in School: Second year

When did you start volunteering with the Waste Watchers?

I began to volunteer for the Waste Watchers at the beginning of my first term at OSU.

What has been your favorite project or event that the Waste Watchers have been involved in?

That’s a tough call. I really enjoy the Repair Fairs, as they offer unique opportunity that I don’t often see. However, I would have to say that my favorite projects are the visual displays, like the trash monster we built this year for RecycleMania. It’s a great pleasure to see your creativity and hard work put on display, and seeing passerbys interact with and learn from it.

What keeps you volunteering with the Waste Watchers?

Being able to work with like-minded individuals is one of the greatest aspects of volunteering with the Waste Watchers. Everyone is very accepting, and has fantastic ideas for what we should do. It’s also great to know that others have the same concerns as you do.

What would you like to see the Waste Watchers do in the future?

I hope to see the Waste Watchers continue to develop as leaders and spokespeople in sustainability. Being a part of the Waste Watchers offers many opportunities to flex and develop your personal skills, and it is good to see our group taking advantage of that.

What is one way you reduce waste in your everyday life?

I try to avoid using anything disposable altogether, and instead favor reusable products. For example, I use my reusable mugs religiously, and never buy a drink without it.

Want to learn more about the Waste Watchers? Visit the volunteer webpage to learn more about how to get involved.


CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Waste Reduction