Two Oregon State Alums, Dan and Jeanne Carver, own Oregon’s Imperial Stock Farm located on 50 square miles of the High Desert. Dan graduated from the Corvallis Campus in 1956 with a degree in business administration and technology, while Jeanne obtained her masters in Physical Education in 1979. The pair, their son Blaine, and his wife Keelia (both OSU graduates as well) produce yarn from the sheep on their stock farm and operate a large yarn warehouse that supplies the popular yarn to 300+ stores.
In an article by Kevin Miller for Oregon Stater Magazine, Jeanne recalls on a persistent caller from the summer of 2012. When she finally returned his call, she was shocked to hear that he was calling from Ralph Lauren in New York City. The caller informed her that

he would like to place an order, and heard that Imperial’s yarn is the best in the business. Shortly, Ralph Lauren employees came to visit Imperial Stock Ranch, and placed the largest order the farm had ever seen. The Carver’s soon learned that this yarn would be used to outfit Team USA in the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremonies.
The Carvers were featured in an NBC promotional piece as well as a spotlight on their Olympic Connection.
Their yarn was featured in the ever-so colorful sweaters that Team USA sported entering the Sochi stadium.
To read the whole story, or learn more about the Carver’s and Imperial Stock farm, click here.
CATEGORIES: Academics Events and Outreach