At the November 23rd home game, OSU is participating in the EPA Game Day Challenge, a national competition to recycle and reduce waste at college football games.
Bring your recyclable and compostable items to Parker Plaza between 4:30 and 7:30 pm on game day to win a prize and help OSU compete!
The following recyclables and compostables will be accepted at the EPA Game Day booth in Parker Plaza:
- Paper
- Cardboard and paperboard
- Plastic bottles, jugs, tubs and jars
- Glass bottles and jars
- Metal beverage cans, tin cans, foil and lids
- Folding top and rectangular cartons
- All food scraps (including animal products)
- Paper towels and napkins
- Some “compostable” serving ware

For more details and examples of accepted recyclables, visit our online recycle guide (items under Paper, Containers and Cardboard count in the Challenge). Everyone who brings at least one eligible recyclable or compostable item will receive a prize, while supplies last.
Any redeemable bottles and cans will go to the Philomath High School sports teams to fundraise for their programs.
More Ways You Can Help
- Recycle as much as possible. Bring recyclables to the Parker Plaza booth between 4:30 and 7:30 pm or to the staffed recycle stations at every entry gate between 5:30 and 7:30 pm. Once in the game, leave recyclables at your stadium seat where volunteers can collect them, rather than throwing them in a garbage can.
- Pack it in, pack it out. While tailgating, consider bringing trash home with you to help us reduce litter and waste.
This year’s EPA Game Day Challenge at OSU is sponsored by Campus Recycling, Republic Services, OSU Athletics and the Student Sustainability Initiative.
Thanks for recycling and GO BEAVS!
CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Waste Reduction