Who are the Waste Watchers?
Waste Watchers is a joint group between Campus Recycling and the Student Sustainability Initiative whose mission is to engage students and the community in waste reduction at OSU by providing educational programming, meaningful opportunities for action, and empowerment of future leaders.
Meet some of our members in these other blog posts. You can become a Waste Watcher too by volunteering with us, in a variety of ways.
How to Volunteer

We regularly have one-time volunteer opportunities, a list of which is hosted on Campus Recycling’s website.
For example, you may provide support at a Repair Fair, table at a booth or staff a waste station at an event.
2) Attend our weekly meetings
All are welcome to drop by our weekly meetings, at which we work on new ways to encourage people to recycle and reduce waste! This term we are working our Repair Fair events and America Recycles Day.
When: In fall term 2013, we are meeting at 6:30-7:30 pm Wednesdays, except during the weeks of November 18-29 when we will meet Tuesdays (11/19 and 11/26) at the same time and place (due to the Repair Fair on Nov. 20 and the day before Thanksgiving on Nov. 27). All fall dates: 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/19, 11/26, and 12/4.
Where: OSU Student Sustainability Center, 738 SW 15th St
3) Work on a side project
If you can’t attend meetings or want to work more independently, consider leading or working on another project with our help! This might include researching a topic in waste reduction, designing a Repair Fair workshop, writing for our blog, or picking a specific topic or area of campus that interests you and designing a program or activity to increase awareness. It’s really up to you! Email Andrea Norris with your ideas.
4) Serve in a chair position on our team
We have leadership positions open on our volunteer team: Chairs of Recruitment, Membership, Presentations and Social activities. This is a great way to build your skills and your resume! Find descriptions and sign-up info here.
Get Started!
Have questions about anything above, ideas to share or want to sign-up? Please contact Andrea Norris via email or 541-737-5398.
CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Student Sustainability Initiative Waste Reduction