Come to the Recycling Warehouse at 644 SW 13th Street on Monday, April 29th between the hours of 6 and 8 pm for our Repair Fair!
Bring your broken items and questions; volunteers will help you learn how to repair your things!
Save money, save natural resources and be part of a growing culture of reuse.

Repair skills offered:
- Appliances (small items only, please)
- Bicycles
- Clothing (hand and machine sewing)
- Computers (hardware and software)
- Electronics (small items only, please)
- Housewares (furniture, ceramics, lamps, etc.)
- And more!
Repair demonstrations:

6:10-6:40 pm – DIY: Home Water Conservation (Mark Taratoot): Overview of Corvallis’s water system, water treatment and quality, conservation measures, DIY water audit and irrigation issues
6:50-7:20 pm – 3 Common Sewing Fixes (Annie Kersting): Demonstrations for buttons, patches, and zippers
7:30-8:00 pm – ABC’s of Bike Maintenance (Kevin Grant): Air: Proper inflation and tube-patching/replacing; Brakes: Safe and efficient stopping; Chain: Keep things oiled and running smoothly and quietly; Recommendations for basic/minimal tools.
Additional event details:
RSVP and invite your friends on Facebook.
We don’t have spare parts, but will do our best to repair what we can and/or refer you to where you could find the parts you need. If you have parts already, we may be able to help you install them.

Directions: We are located on the corner of 13th St and A Ave at 644 SW 13th Street. Enter through the warehouse gates on 13th St., between the railroad tracks and A Ave.
This event is organized by the student group Waste Watchers, a joint group of Campus Recycling and the Student Sustainability Initiative. Repair Fairs occur twice per term during the 2012-13 academic year. For more information, contact Andrea Norris via email or at 541-737-5398.
CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Student Sustainability Initiative Waste Reduction