Campus Energy Upgrades are Underway!

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 directs that states focus funding on energy efficiency and renewable energy.  Thus, additional funding for Oregon’s State Energy Program (SEP) has increased and calls for directing funds to energy efficiency retrofits of buildings and supporting renewable energy projects. The goals of the SEP are to increase […]

February 17, 2012

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 directs that states focus funding on energy efficiency and renewable energy.  Thus, additional funding for Oregon’s State Energy Program (SEP) has increased and calls for directing funds to energy efficiency retrofits of buildings and supporting renewable energy projects. The goals of the SEP are to increase energy efficiency in order to reduce energy costs, reduce reliance on imported energy, improve the reliability of electricity services, and reduce the environmental impacts of energy production.

 SEP Projects

Oregon State University has received significant funding from the SEP for lighting retrofits, steam system upgrades, and building controls. In December, Kerr Administration Building and Peavy Hall received large T12 to T8 lighting retrofits which resulted in an annual savings of over $31,000. Gilmore, Dearborn, and Langton Hall are all currently receiving the same lighting retrofit which should result in an annual savings of over $6,000. In addition, steam traps have been replaced at Women’s Building, Weniger, Dearborn, Langton, Peavy, and Kerr Administration. Steam traps are used to condense steam to water, so that it can return back to the Energy Center for reuse. Many of the traps in the buildings were not working properly which lead to steam system inefficiencies.

CH2M Hill Alumni Center received an ASHRAE Level 2 Energy Audit from Glumac Engineering. An ASHRAE Level 2 Audit includes a detailed energy calculation and financial analysis which allows OSU to truly understand the financial benefits of installing energy efficient measures. The audit recommended upgrading the building’s heating, cooling, and ventilation controls.


CATEGORIES: Energy Water