OLIS: New Graduate Program in Sustainability Launched in April!

On April 8, 2011, the Oregon University System formally approved the establishment of the Oregon Leadership in Sustainability (OLIS) graduate certificate program. Shortly thereafter, the website, http://olis.uoregon.edu, was open for applications! OLIS is housed at the University of Oregon, but hopes to attract recent BA or BS graduates from all the OUS campuses to train […]

May 4, 2011

On April 8, 2011, the Oregon University System formally approved the establishment of the Oregon Leadership in Sustainability (OLIS) graduate certificate program. Shortly thereafter, the website, http://olis.uoregon.edu, was open for applications!

OLIS logo-tiles

OLIS is housed at the University of Oregon, but hopes to attract recent BA or BS graduates from all the OUS campuses to train the future sustainability leaders of Oregon. OLIS is a one year sustainability “Boot Camp.” The program will provide 30 students a year with hands on skills and experiences needed to work in a professional work environment engaged in sustainability issues for cities—whether with a public agency, a non-profit, or a private firm working in the public and non-profit sectors.

OLIS has three components: Leadership Skills; Core Courses in energy and climate change issues and solutions for cities, green cities, ecological design; and a three quarter Practicum working on projects for a real client. Projects may include an analysis of water recycling alternatives for a neighborhood; sustainability indicators and metrics; design of an eco-district; business plan for a district heating plant among others.


Check us out!! http://olis.uoregon.edu

We’ll be visiting the OSU Memorial Union on May 11 to connect with interested students.

Please feel free to stop by and ask any questions you might have about the program.


CATEGORIES: Uncategorized

3 thoughts on “OLIS: New Graduate Program in Sustainability Launched in April!

  1. Hi Andrea,

    It looks like we’ll most likely be in the Community Service Center Office. If you’re having trouble tracking me down, please call my cell phone at 720.352.0393 and we’ll meet up!

    Anya Dobrowolski
    OLIS Program Associate

  2. Where in the Memorial Union will OLIS be located on the 11th? Thanks!

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