OSU takes top spot in Oregon for recycling

The RecycleMania 2011 results have been officially released and OSU has once again taken the number one spot in Oregon and held onto the RecycleMania Civil War title! OSU beat UO by recycling and composting 5.5 more lbs per person, holding onto the RecycleMania Civil War trophy, made by UO last year out of reused […]

April 21, 2011

RecycleMania Civil War Trophy (made or reused materials, naturally)
RecycleMania Civil War Trophy (made of reused materials, naturally).

The RecycleMania 2011 results have been officially released and OSU has once again taken the number one spot in Oregon and held onto the RecycleMania Civil War title!

OSU beat UO by recycling and composting 5.5 more lbs per person, holding onto the RecycleMania Civil War trophy, made by UO last year out of reused materials.

Campus Recycling is also pleased to announce that we beat our own records, with a 23% increase in recycling and composting and a 17% decrease in trash compared to the the 10-week competition in 2010. In total, OSU recycled and composted 483,449 lbs, up 67,831, while landfilling 201,158 fewer lbs. These results are very promising for OSU’s future waste reduction efforts!

Our biggest increase over last year was in the compost category, where we collected 2.1 times more this year. Other notable results include the 5,109 lbs of e-waste and 55 cubic yards (9 standard dumpsters) of Styrofoam collected during our special collection days, which are not even included in the weights above (as these materials are not considered in official RecycleMania weights).

Final RecycleMania Civil War scores for 2011.
Final RecycleMania Civil War scores for 2011.

RecycleMania 2011 was sponsored by Campus Recycling and the Student Sustainability Initiative.

RecycleMania Results In the News:

OSU’s victory has been covered by many media outlets:


CATEGORIES: Campus Recycling Waste Reduction