Corvallis Sustainability Coalition Question 3:

Topic Area Action – What would you like to do this year to help our community become more sustainable in this topic area? Please comment on March 11.

March 5, 2010

Topic Area Action – What would you like to do this year to help our community become more sustainable in this topic area?

Please comment on March 11.

CATEGORIES: Corvallis Sustainability Coalition (Town Hall- Past Posts)

47 thoughts on “Corvallis Sustainability Coalition Question 3:

  1. 1. George Brown: would like to be able to help get more local food in restaurants through his website,
    2. Booth for chefs at Farmer’s Market—a business opportunity for someone; could provide runners
    3. George: Farms could offer bulk pricing. Website could be good vehicle to help connect chefs and farms
    4. Soup business owner from Portland: Smaller farms hard to coordinate; larger farms have ways to to supply businesses.

  2. * We need more incentives to pick different ways of transportation. Right now it’s self motivation that makes people choose biking or walking. If people feel they are being rewarded for choosing another method more people may convert.

    * Trying to connect with OSU bike co-op to get bikers opinions on what to do with the city to make it a better environment for biking.

    * Bike path from Corvallis to Albany

    * All streets and intersections having curb ramps in 2011

  3. Experts:

    Scottie—Involved with Food Action Team working on Local 6 campaign, including package for restaurants, farm-to-school program, and OSU dining hall. Working with Co-op. In the future they would like to create passports with Local 6 logo and expand the campaign to hospitals, grocery stores, and facilitate farmer-chef relationships. They would also like to do more to s under-resourced populations. This includes offering classes in food preservation and gardening to reach out to families. They need folks to help out with this.
    Jen— Did surveys in Corvallis of people interesting in gardening—have advice to give, have extra land, etc. She’s had good responses to that. It brought folks together to make good connections. There’s also been produce swap meetings.

    What would you like to do this year to help our community become more sustainable in this topic area?
     Food education. Growing food to be sold at OHDS, food pantries, etc. Work towards community sustainability.
     Grow more of our own food. Donate food to gleaners, and community outreach. Buy more locally-grown food.
     Start a neighborhood gleaning tradition.
     Get more trees registered on the Corvallis Environmental Center ‘fruit gleaning’ sight.
     Building a garden, getting in touch with neighborhood gardeners
     Look into organizing group bike rides to organic farms (via the organization, Organic Athletes)—bring this to Corvallis

  4. Joel – works with bikes – assist in projects – bike house trailer

    Janet – leader – just moved here, looking for an energy efficient home, water solar, insulation, lighting goal 3

    Karen – or housing – summarize reuse, add solar to density of housing eg trees too blocking solar, city code too.

    Paul – curious

    Kate – recorder – put on solar panels

    Don – recorder

    Leader? Read yellow sheet

    Talk about yellow sheet goals

  5. • Improve access to fruits and vegetables in South Corvallis.
    • School Gardens at all schools.
    • Corvallis Environmental Center is hiring someone to survey food in our communities, where it comes from, how to price it, how low-income families are accessing it. Grant for $2500.
    • Need more Healthcare advocates at meetings in town and county level. Inform public of local health care costs and create a broader range of access. Community Outreach has free clinics, lions club does glasses.
    • Put together an “all health care” directory of where to go and how you can pay. Getting people cost information. What can you ask your doctor? Do I have other options? What is my responsibility to not see you again?
    • Testing where to buy supplies and diabetes strips the cheapest in the area. Educating public.
    • Create a Map to see how organizations are working together and how we can work together.

  6. Our table was one of the farthest in the back and other Water Group tables absorbed the few people who offered to join us. Observation: Most of the early departures left before this session for whatever reasons.

  7. • Sustainability fair in the neighborhood.
    • Plant riparian zone to filter/clean the water before it enters the river.
    • Reduce power consumption by 40% – attic insulation, replace windows.
    • Ride Bike around town more instead of driving.
    • One story of family who has reduced their transportation by riding bikes around time. They have reduced their car mileage from about 26K 12 years ago to about 5-8K miles per year the last eight years.
    • Plant trees. Work with kids and schools on sustainability and reducing footprint.
    • Film making to promote the Willamette river watershed and the work being done locally to preserve it.
    • Promote caring for the land and water by taking folks out on the river, gets people interested.
    • Work with students on restoration and fisheries projects. Get kids outdoors more, get them connected to natural world so they can connect the dots.

    Topic – Housing
    We combined both housing tables. Katie Mathews was recorder for this discussion.

  8. -Here from Gresham to see how to get things going there
    -Reduce length of typical trips
    -Total dependence on cars in Gresham
    -Redo zoning to eliminate homogenous (e.g. residential-only), neighborhoods
    -Create neighborhood centers
    -Meet your neighbors
    -Smaller schools should be part of neighborhood centers
    -City discourages commercial in residential neighborhoods
    -In Gresham, land for communal purposes is an issue because of rapid growth
    -Uniform neighborhoods a problem, more mixed n’s would help
    -It takes decades for code changes to take widespread effect.
    -Current zoning is too rigid
    -Organize to get people involved in alternative modes
    -Raise gas prices?
    -Work on LWV land use group on ongoing issues.
    -They do a good job
    -Keep going to mtgs & promote inventory of neighborhood amenities & walkability
    -Shop with a conscience
    -Where you shop influences how stores behave

  9. 1. The installation of electric vehicle charging stations. It’s difficult for me to bike in from Lewisburg, so the next most sustainable alternative would be an electric vehicle, but need places to charge up before that is really feasible.

    I would be willing to work on the low-income weatherization projects, if they need a helping hand. I can’t commit to long-term projects, but would be available for these and other short-term, one-day projects.

    2. The implementation of the Council’s Community Energy Strategy. Some items are underway, but the one of particular interest to me is the creation of a community energy information center. I would be willing to serve on a working group that included the City, OSU, utility company representatives and Energy Action Team members to come up with a recommended way to accomplish this.

    3. Tying the work of the Community Services Consortium to other efforts in the community. Lots of federal funds flow to the CSC that could be used to enhance local-based sustainability initiatives. In addition, the job training center could be used more to respond to changing local priorities in the job market. I will personally work toward this goal.

  10. The table experts shared these examples of current community waste and recycling programs:

    First Alternative Co-op is recycling fiber into rags for packing fillers. It was suggested that the Co-op should check out what the Goodwill does with their excess clothing.

    OSU is increasing waste prevention in the following ways:
    1. Composting on campus and compost outreach to community
    2. Education about seasonal waste/compost
    3. Waste audits – sorting through trash
    4. Create reuse directory – a guide about where waste can be taken and when – available soon.
    5. Set up of better recycling systems with improved labeling

    Waste prevention will benefit from education, education, and more education!!! Folks who manage recycling for groups will always need to educate their members.

    There is a movement to make daVinci Days waste free! They will discourage plastic water bottles. A pack-it-in & pack-it-out slogan was suggested to help reduce event waste.

    Trash is a huge problem at the OSU games and one solution might be sending a team of volunteers out on game day to talk with tailgaters about the trash that they leave and how to prevent trash and increase recycling. Pack it out!

    The time sped by – so many ideas and just a few minutes for each person to interact and express their views. By the end of the session it was easy to see that all had a jolly good time. Everyone enjoyed the company of like-minded neighbors who share concerns and believe that action is the foundation for change.

  11. TOPIC: Energy

    Research related to structural engineering and what the barriers are to pushing green construction
    Knowledge, availability, etc.

    Weatherization, neighborhood interactions
    Grassroots planning
    Centered around Corvallis High School
    Neighborhood sharing of information and support
    Volunteers to go door to follow up energy audits, reach out to new households

    Living in an area where solar is not an option (too many trees)
    What other options are there?
    Everything else has been done.

    Educating teachers and students about renewable energy.

    Biofuels via photosynthetic bacteria.

    Greenhouse gas monitoring
    Brought by local GIS company
    Programs to map CO2 emissions.
    HP, OSU are doing it.
    Trying to fill in the gaps.
    Issues collecting and processing data.
    Accuracy vs significance problems.
    Software done, data needed.
    Trying to make it comprehensive: gas, electric, wood, etc.
    Goal is to establish a baseline to monitor progress or lack thereof.
    Languishing due to lack of manpower/brainpower.wee

  12. -Letter-writing campaign to Mr. Richie. We want his store moved to south town rather than being replaced by Market of Choice. We stand by our local producers! Contact city councilor Richard Hervey:

    -Bridge the Gap: we need to figure out a way to get organics and non-organics the same price, or comparable. We want to experience the REAL cost of food!

  13. Subject expert reviewed vision, goals, and current projects of Water Action Team.
    Initial projects were chosen for ability to produce some “quick wins” but they also considered long-term outcomes.

    — Sense among some committee members that community at large feels more energy issue –focused instead of on water policy.
    — Noted that Corvallis’ two main water supplies are Mary’s Peak snowmelt and the Willamette River (“we are drinking Eugene”).
    — Need to understand were water is going to solve problem. South Coop did dye test to follow their waste water; got some surprising results.
    ? How to share learned info from South Coop demo site? To businesses? To residences?
    ? Consumption – what percentage seasonal increase do we have? How to measure consumption? A bit problematic as it can be done in various ways.
    ? How to decide where is the biggest bang for the buck? Need strategic thinking.

    ? Has a city water use audit been done?
    IDEA: Need to create a baseline picture of water use. This would be a great committee priority to do a city audit (or gather the data if it’s already been done).

    IDEA: Create a trust to install cisterns in every back yard.
    Subsidized? How will it work? Effected seasonally? Does it make sense?

  14. – we had quite a few sign-ups for the Waste Action Team, especially related to helping spread the word about the Reuse Directory and working with the faith communities on seasonal messages related the the 3 Rs.

  15. Brief discussion of Oak Creek project: Identified need to monitor input and output, no data yet.

    Funding for water projects, $30,000 from Co Op, $10,000 from storm fees, $20,000 CIP

    Needs: Outreach and education of city staffers to change attitudes, for support and buy in
    Will use the Demo project for outreach
    Lots of volunteers
    Collect data and put the data on the web (North Jackson Company volunteered to put data on web)

  16. -working to educate those with disabilities better
    –give questionaire to school district, ask whatthey are doing to support sustainability educatio
    -team goes into every classroom to evaluate
    -newer schools should find it easier to meet goals

  17. What would YOU like to do to help our community become for sustainable in the area of TRANSPORTATION?

    Introductions/what brought us here:

    – Biking
    – Biking
    – Love things that move
    – Allergic to gas/bus emissions, and to medicine
    – Opportunity to make changes at individual level all the way up to federal government

    – For Goal #1, the best strategy is #1: is to operate within current infrastructure, and increase the usage
    – For Goal #2, the best strategy is #3: is to encourage and facilitate use of alternative fuels
    – For Goal #3, the best strategy is #2: to reduce single occupancy vehicle trips (this will achieve Goal #2 by reducing trips, thus gasoline consumption)

    – Think beyond tax credits/incentives
    – Government does not have the resources to pay for this AND for schools, health care, etc

    – Improved bus service to Albany (so we can get onto train to go to Portland w/o driving)

  18. WATER

    Interest in the Jefferson Outflow project – has been submitted as a capitol project to the City. OSU students have been calculating the volume of stormwater that goes through that site.

    Question – is it a question of treating municipal water or catching stormwater?
    Response – There’s a Quality issue returning to the system and a Quantity issue as we pull out of the system. So if we could use lower quality water for washing cars and irrigation etc, we could address both concerns simultaneously.
    The South Co-op project was noted as the relevant demonstration of these issues. Audits have been done to assess and identify the ‘low-hanging fruit’ at the site.

    While there is not an economic incentive to implement conservation/onsite wastewater treatment/stormwater use, water rates will only rise and the economics will improve in time.

    Skill-set Needs for the Co-op project: Marketing, education…

  19. What would you like to do this year to help our community become more sustainable in the topic area of food?

    Using church kitchens to make food using locally grown produce and other local products

    Projects of action team: local 6 add campaign (food from 6 counties surrounding Corvallis), successful gardening network, more local food, pancake breakfasts before farmers market in the summer

    Community gardening in neighborhoods

    Farm to school program: tasting tables at elementary schools each month that provide locally grown produce to children, effort to create demand for the locally grown food, first alternative co-op is coordinating with this program to sell the food that is being provided at the schools

    Local pick of the month

    Plant a garden in front yard to attract people and help convince them to grow a garden

    Make tasting tables at the food bank

    Teaching cooking classes for low income people that focuses on cooking with locally grown produce

    More marketing to OSU students about cooking classes

  20. Our topic is transportation, specifically we are focused on making bike and walking transport more attractive and easier in Corvallis.
    The idea of bike boulevards has been brought up and has a lot of support at the table. There is a proposal to convert several Corvallis streets to “bike only” streets. Our table leader is looking to harvest some ideas from the group.
    Stop putting bike lanes next to parallel parking. It is dangerous and can be easily fixed.
    Using a demo in town to promote new transportation ideas is being discussed, trying things like bike boulevards for a day to make it more visible. Portland does a similar thing that can serve as an example.
    Increasing bus frequency has been raised as a change that could help promote using public transportation.
    The Zip car program has been brought up as promoting reduced car use. A similar program, a car sharing program called Wecars, is being introduced to Corvallis in the near future. OSU ride share is another program that promotes car sharing.
    There is concern at the table about links to long range transportation like train stations.
    Lobbing to your representatives is a great option for a personal contribution to promoting sustainable transportation. BPAC meeting is 7:00 am at the Madison meeting room on the first Friday of each month.
    We think that most of these ideas have turned out to be something someone else should do :(.

  21. Natural Areas–

    Natural Areas Week of Celebration: Goal to educate people in the area about the open space in the area and educate people about native and invasive plants.

    Model in San Francisco from Golden Gate Park — single website where all involved groups can create a community calendar for natural areas to give people an opportunity to get involved and know what is going on in the region.

    Utilize connections between sustainability-related student groups, their advising professors, and the larger community. Find ways to project the actions on campus beyond the campus.

    Sustainability classes at OSU can be great connections for local organizations to connect locals and students.

    Displays in the Library and at Birkenstock starting on April 5.

    Get the word out on campus about the Natural Areas Week of Celebration.

    Public education for restoration projects and wetland mitigation — place signs at successful projects to increase public awareness.

    Utilize public tours of private and public lands to increase awareness and appreciation for open space.

    Tour with Gwen Kubeck (City of Corvallis) for Natural Areas Week.

    Projects to explore the integration of food production and natural systems on the local ecology.

  22. Get a dialogue started between different agencies and NGOs in County to hear about resource needs and priorities. Two areas in which City, County, and Greenbelt Land Trust want to collaborate: trails and riparian areas.

    Get involved in outdoor activities and trail maintenance at local parks. Sierra Club and County and City have opportunities for trail work locally.

    Get people out hiking to see nature and build appreciation.

    Increase native species in yard. Disconnect downspouts to create raingarden.

    Increase outreach to local landowners to create understanding of native habitat and to decrease Douglas-fir in oak and prairie areas.

  23. Removing invasive species from public space behind townhouse (scotch broom, english ivy).
    There are school groups that have organized to pull out invasives.

    Interest in seeing coordination among different sustainable efforts (eg, prioritize and focus on certain tasks).

    Natural Areas Celebration Week!

  24. How to make more options to buy in Corvallis. We need more affordable housing.
    habitat for Humanity can’t cash out. When you sell, recapture so it doesn’t get resold overpriced.
    Architects help with parameters to make it more viable.
    Wanted green elements in the downtown plan.
    “Perfect 100,000 house. Build a cool modern green material with reuse and the city was up for it.
    What is upstairs in the downtown area?
    Working with Land use survey. Train with other people to do the survey.
    Getting people signed up to help see what type of housing, what type of development could it be?
    Talk to Hugh Richard White that owns most of downtown. lots of space that is under and up with the buildings. Need to have that discussion with him. Would save a lot of time.
    Affordable housing and rent control needs to be dealt with. More attractiveness if more green houses.
    Habitat is building more energy efficient homes.
    Get the weatherization program involved.
    Get into the insulation: makes the big different.
    Get people to split up lots and share homes to make it more affordable.
    Remodel homes to then make it possible for 3-4 people. Great use of space.more affordable.
    Village and have a garden. Own space but share common area.
    30 years ago they did it. need to get back to that concept.
    Collect rain!!! Get back to it.
    Lead paint, Asbestos. using that survey to help with outreach. Encapulate it but do something with it.
    Need more education with a packet of information. Earth Advantage does the best. Energy challenge to take the next steps.Get back to the first round.

  25. Change the code to note that a particular house has an energy efficiency suspected issue. And could send a letter to the landlords educating the landlords about the CSC program availability. (Education….not complaint authority).

    Implement the electric car/Nissan stimulus and make sure the family that’s doing it works magn

    Do Green roof and green wall design (as a summer job) and integrate it in with my our future work.

  26. Proposal to use Corvallis municiple water system to create heat pump-driven energy- stimulus money required for project, which has not yet been released

    However, funding requirements actually minimal…can’t city come up with the funds? Or access micro-financing?

    First project on the municiple level possibly world-wide

    Identifed need for diversified funding, micro-finance efforts

  27. Economic Vitality:

    brief intro: action team has ecclectic mix from business community. look for areas of common agreement.

    how the natural step sytem conditions meld with the goals of economic vitality.

    Current projects:
    prosperity fits plan (PTF)
    Food Biz Boot Camp
    Benton/Corvallis Sustainabiltiy Zone for new businesses

    A myth exists that people need jobs. We don’t need jobs. We need the basics of life. Productivity has increased from teh 40 hour week, but people are working 40-60 hours a week and barely getting by.

    Genuine Progress Index:
    social capital
    human capital
    natural capital
    ecosystem services
    financial capital
    built capital

    The gov. should function in terms of services. Economic vitality of individuals based on perceived needs. The consumptive culture drives desires and we substitute needs for wants.

    Answering the question: What is an economy for?

    Maybe we should be aiming at part-time employment instead of full-time employment.

    Everytime you do something sustainable, the GDP is reduced. Trad. economic models don’t show how well our lives are.

    The four systems of the Natural Step deals with economics because people can meet their needs through the four steps, and that’s what an economy is for — to meet people’s needs.

    Is it realistic to create a new measure on a local scale?

    You shouldn’t work forty hours if you don’t want to. Job sharing should also be called interdependence.

    Corvallis would be a good place to start implementing a new analytical model of economic vitality such as the Genuine Progress Index.

    NWEI the biggest damage to the planet is North American consumption.

    Reduce the carbon emissions from TX industry– it represents 10% of our nation’s emissions.

    The role of heavy industry in Corvallis — we rely on it, but we outsource it. our quality of life depends on our outsourcing of heavy industry

    The Hours Exchange: The idea needs to be expanded. They need to invest in a downtown area. Create community human capital, like art classes and art spaces.
    It keep the money within the community, but it doesn’t solve all the problems.

    Reduce consumption = having to work less hours.
    What do you do in a community when you have more time because you are not working? Where do you go? There needs to be gift community events and free community events.
    For students: a discussion group to meet with people and talk about economics. Not so much meetings to get stuff done, but meetings just to talk about all this.

    The OSU Econ Club meets Wednesdays at 6:30pm and would like people to come and talk about Corvallis economic vitality at the club meetings.

    Another idea: A club exchange directory.
    The City Club meets once a month.

    Start a sustainable economics club. This could lead to real jobs. Economics students are looking for their own entreprenuerial possibilities.

    We buy local but we still outsource most of our needs. CIBA and the chamber are looking to bring outside businesses in to create a varied economy.

    Buy local first doesn’t mean going to safeway, but safeway is in Corvallis, so what does safeway contribute to the community? What is its role?

    The natural step says that we need ways to measure these things and ways to apply it. It’s a screening process and a slow transition.

  28. -Engage more employees at the hospital in the community benefits program
    -Decrease obesity with education and programs (e.g., cafeteria food at hospital and schools, need partnerships)
    -Provide local healthy foods in the cafeterias (and all the intricacies of achieving that, food prep and funding)
    -Promote all the food programs talk about in that Topic Action Area
    -Find a study about the correlation between less physical activity and obesity. Diet and obesity too.
    -Scholarships for low income folks to play team sports to encourage more physical activity

  29. Our table consisted of educators (both high school teachers and school board members), grandparents, graduate students, and high school students.
    We are interested in both K-12 and higher education. We are interested in the nurtitional aspects of education and making sure our children are eating well.
    We have a sustainability steering committee at the school district level that is not only about sustainability education but focusing on other issues in the schools, like food and transportation. There are national sustainability standards for K-12 and we are looking for gaps that aren’t being covered.
    Higher education is much more of a challenge because of the reorganization at OSU. We want the teachers that are coming out of the school of education to be well versed in sustainability.
    Community education has been merged with the communications committee. We don’t want to duplicate efforts, so we are focusing on K-12 and higher ed. instead of community education.
    The School of Education is a particular area of interest, because if we produce teachers that teach the same way they were taught, the students are never going to learn about sustainability. Until we can train teachers to think this way as part of their normal teaching styles, sustainability education is not going to work.
    We think it would be good to start a workshop program for teaching students.
    We think it would be important to have compost bins next to the recycling bins. We want to get local businesses to provide these bins, as well as biodegradable take-out containers. We think it is important to get the university to use local foods. It would be good to contact the agricultural department, as well as horiculture and food sciences.
    We want to extend sustainability education to freshman orientation. We want to build sustainability as part of the culture of OSU- not a single class or event, but a habit.
    OSU has over 80 recycling bins on campus, but it is a matter of uptake.
    Seven Oaks Middle School in Lebanon has an incredible student garden and we hope that Corvallis can look into this as well.
    At Crescent Valley there is a greenhouse for garden use, but it needs a lot of maitenance to be productive again. We want to find a community partner for this, because it is difficult to maintain a program because everyone is gone for three months. Maybe starting a credit program.

  30. -I’d like to see the high schools getting involved.
    -Getting solar on more of the OSU buildings
    -The student fees committee decided to put the money towards sustainable systems at OSU.
    -The system would be 75 kw, with an investment of $350,000.

  31. -want to see more natural areas
    -make more natural areas ear the city so people can walk or bike to them
    -making trail that connects natural areas together
    -deal more with invasives by working together ad increasing organization
    -proote native wildlife as opposed to nutria
    -increased restoration
    -need better way for wild populations to move back and forther between wildlife areas
    -make natural areas more acessible to people with disabilites

  32. – by 2040, 80% of Corvallis would be a sustainable and compact city with walk-able, mixed-use neighborhoods, functioning neighborhood centers and a vibrant downtown.
    – goal is to have more amenities around town, so that it encourages more walking and biking to these various areas.
    – public gathering places interspersed around town.
    – The inventory would also track what the attractive and unattractive things in various parts of the city. What would make you walk around? What would not?
    – Teaming w/ Benton County Health Department to help integrate kids and bike paths to help make it more accessible.
    – encouraged to take pictures of things that need to be fixed, also things that you like and see it expanded throughout the community.
    – hoping to get sidewalks – especially downtown – in better shape to help foster more traffic to the downtown businesses.
    – many different ways to link various groups around the community from churches to neighborhoods.

  33. – Nutrition aspect – looking to educate our future generations about healthy, sustainable food choices
    – Interested in waste clean-up around local school campuses
    – recently, there are k-12 sustainability standards – looking if there are any “gaps” within the system
    -want all teachers to have sustainability imbedded in their curriculum, no matter what the subject is
    -Focus on K-12 to jump-start the sustainability awareness
    -School of ED is the most focused upon – teachers need to become aware of the environment, so that the students are influenced by them.
    -Start afternoon workshop programs to stimulate kids and adults alike
    -Have compost bin next to garbage bin in local businesses
    -Get local foods used in OSU dining halls as well as grade school cafeterias
    -A lot of the OSU recycle bins are always full (also, garbage cans are not available near recycle bins and vice versa)
    -Educate grade school kids how to garden (offer as a course in school)
    -Utilize empty garden spaces
    -Need to partner with organization that can helps kids maintain gardens and greenhouses around campus

  34. After English and Spanish the third most common is Korean.
    We have more lower income.

  35. How do we make a more positive community in sustainability. She says she meets more people while riding her bike, and feels that is a great incentive.

  36. -Energy Action Team: is doing a lot of door-to-door activities. They need more volunteers to help strengthen those programs. They need people to help do follow-ups on the Energy Challenge reviews. The city has a strategy for achieving climate reduction in town. The city counsel is looking for people to help get involved in that as well.
    -Overall reeduction of energy use in the are (NOT PER CAPITA)
    -Looking for development in alternative energy economy
    -See the city put in more spaces that are friendly to electric cars (charging spaces)
    -There’s talk about a program where you could pay a monthly fee to drive a hybrid and park it at a battery station for the next person, etc.
    -Status of the Japanese Electric Cars? Nisson Leaf. Nisson has partnered with ETech. The charging stations being installed will gather data from cars and say how far they went. They can then calculate how the electric grid will change as more and more people start driving. OSU should get a dozen charging stations by the end of 2010. These stations will be able to work with new Nisson cars. The mayor is taking a strong initiative in this project. He’s on the list to buy a Leaf.
    -Will Blue Sky charge the stations? If they’re at OSU, they will. OSU runs 75% off of renewable energy.
    -What about in relation to what the action team is doing? Is there anything you’d like to know more about or be more involved with?
    -The revolving loan fund is another thing the Energy Action Team is working on. It’s a $250,000 fund aimed at supporting smaller projects run by modest income families.
    -Get projects lined up for the feeding tariff. It’s a program that’s going to pay people to install solar panels. Right now we pay 8-11 cents per kilowatt hour. This will give schools and social organizations have more access to these projects. There needs to be guaranteed support for them to sign up. The financing needs to happen asap.
    – Will it still be going by the end of the year? Possibly…
    -The EAT started looking at greenhouse gas emission in Corvallis and trying to quantify those. They just need someone to head the project.

  37. Focuses on her neighborhood community and green waste but is interested in what this team has to offer.

  38. Develop a unified calendar, having a welcoming community. How welcome do the students feel in Corvallis? Have more opportunities for students.

  39. Opening up discussions to develop why there is less community communication so that we can work for closer community.

  40. Community bike friendly because he wants to be able to ride a bike and not drive a car in Corvallis

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