OUS Sustainability Conference later this week

Registration closes tonight, Monday night, for day one of the first annual Oregon University System Sustainability Conference this Thursday and Friday, Oct.23 and 24.  There is still a little room on Friday for more participants; Friday is the day focused on student engagement. This event will have a lot for people who care about how […]

October 20, 2008

Registration closes tonight, Monday night, for day one of the first annual Oregon University System Sustainability Conference this Thursday and Friday, Oct.23 and 24.  There is still a little room on Friday for more participants; Friday is the day focused on student engagement.

This event will have a lot for people who care about how Oregon higher ed is run and the engagement of our students.  These to primary themes drove the conference planning from the beginning, planning that was led by Steve Mital from UO, with assistance from Noelle Studer of PSU and me.

If you’re travelling from OSU, contact me if you need help finding a ride there, or if you have a ride to offer someone else.  You can also use OSU’s new online rideshare system to connect with other travellers.

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