Pump Maitnenance Importance

I just wanted to throw out a quick reminder how important it is to check your pump during irrigation and make sure it is taken care of properly. Today we had the packing come completely out to the pump and we had to do an emergency shut down till we could make repairs. We were shut down for four hours of irrigation, which can be a lot in the long and short term. The packing on our pump allows for water not to gush out of the pump, but it also self-cools it. This means that it is important to have a little water coming out to cool the pump, but too much and have serious damage on the pump and can put you out of irrigation for the whole season. So make sure you maintain your pump and know the specifics as to what it needs and what are red flags.

The backing that came apart.
The backing that came apart.
Putting new packing back into the pump.
Putting new packing back into the pump.

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