Calculating Water Head

As most of you know, calculating water head can be measured all sorts of ways. However, for our case I was able to learn how our experiment station measures water head. At the head gate we have a measuring device that has two sides to it with a gate that is set at two and a half or five at all times. On either sides of the gate are two measurement sticks in a tenth of an inch that you can refer to as how high the water is. In order to calculate water head, you take both those numbers and refer to table where you will follow down to where both numbers meet. At that meeting point is what your CFS is currently in the ditch. Benefits to using submerged orifice measuring device in your ditch, allows you to run specifics as to how much water you are using, makes neighboring water rights users happier, and gives you the ability to be specific with calculations when the water master asks what you are pulling down your ditch and why you may need water of drought years.

Our beautiful view while calculating water head.
Our beautiful view while calculating water head.

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