The Seeding Excitement Begins!

Last week consisted of some pretty exciting news, we were finally able to seed our plots! However, what was more exciting, for me at least, is I was able to put the seed in the funnel cone of the seeder and drop the seed in their designated spots. For all who haven’t seeded before, let me tell you, it can be a little stressful. But by the end of the day, my co-worker Chris, my professor G, and I had an awesome system worked out. Chris’s job was to drive the tractor strait in the correct plots and make sure we weren’t overlapping with other plots. G’s job was to tell me when to drop the seed in the plots and tell me what seed should be next. As for my job, I was in charge of opening the little bags of seed, putting inoculate on the seeds if needed, put the seeds in the seed cone before the tractor got to the plot, drop the seed into the plots at the correct time, and make sure I was seeding the right plants in the correct order. Talk about stressed, and I mean worse than writing a final paper that is due in the next hour.  Although its difficulty, we were able to seed all our annual and perennial seeds that day and will start the preparation for irrigation! Oh, and I cant forget picture!

Seeding in action
Seeding in action
Me grabbing seed packets and putting them in the cone seeder
Me grabbing seed packets and putting them in the cone seeder
G holding his hand up to tell me when to drop the seeds.
G holding his hand up to tell me when to drop the seeds.

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