Checking Final Boxes and Anticipating Seeding!

Along with the awesome field trip this week, finishing the final touches and checking the last couple boxes was what consisted of this week as we prepared to start seeding next week. Although we are a few months behind our proposed date, we are getting everything perfect so their is no error for mistake later. Finishing touches included: identifying leaks and holes in the pipes, replacing gaskets, remove pipe off the field, and clean sprinkler heads. In addition to that, I worked on my metal skills and was able help shorten them to 3 feet and buffer the edges. Here at the bottom is only a few of the sparks I was making while cutting them!

Cutting 6 foot risers to 3 foot.
Cutting 6 foot risers to 3 foot.

After finalizing all the check marks and last touch ups, we spent the last two days marking the field with flags where the plots, alleys, and boarders are. We did this so we knew where the plots started for seeding and to help the tractor say straight as we are driving next week. We used close to 500 flags just to mark the field, ranging from our American flag colors for 4th of July to our own Oregon State Orange. After all the anticipation, stay tune for picture of the seeding extravaganza! But  for now, here’s some pictures of our beautiful colored flags.

Getting the lines out to mark plots and alleys
Getting the lines out to mark plots and alleys
Flags and more flags!!
Flags and more flags!!

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