May 8, 2019 Meeting Recap

View the meeting slides here: DC 5.8.19
Thank you for joining us on Wednesday for our first team meeting of Module 2: Identity and Expression! You can find the meeting slides at the top of this post, and a short recap below.

April Media Club debrief: Thank you again to everyone who participated, and shared their experiences from last month. You will find the links and information for each Media Club in a separate post below.

Intro to Module 2: Identity and Expression: We defined identity as the qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or expressions that make a person. A psychological identity relates to self-image (one’s mental model of oneself), self-esteem, and individuality. We used the Diversity Wheel below to think about how we identify ourselves in each category. For practice, you can try to identify the dominant group for each identity category in your programs, office and/or community. How can different contexts affect this?

We shared resources that will help you continue to explore identity, such as our team Box folder, and DEI Event Calendar. For a full list of resources, view the meeting slides at the top of this post.

Upcoming Meetings
June 12: Regular Team Zoom meeting

Please watch this video and come ready for a conversation about how to support our LGBTQ+ program participants and colleagues.

June 26: Navigating Bias in Learning and Working Environments workshop
View the Workshop Flyer and follow this link to register. A calendar invite will be sent to those who register.

If you have any questions, please contact or We appreciate working with you!

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