March 6, 2019 Meeting Recap

Facilitator Handout: C-RRR 2019[1]

Diversity Champions:

Thank you for a great meeting last week! I hope you enjoyed hearing from our guest facilitator, Maria Chavez-Haroldson, as much as I did. Your comments and participation during the meeting reminded me of how lucky we are to share this time and hear from colleagues we may not regularly have the chance to work with. The more I hear about the great impact you are all having around the state, the more inspired I become.

If you attended last week’s meeting, you’ll remember that “C-RRR” stands for Cultural Responsivity, Cultural Relevance, and Cultural Reinforcement. As a refresher, please view the PDF of our facilitator’s handout at the top of this page. PROMPT: As you review Maria´s C-RRR concept, please think about your own Extension program and role. What audience is your program relevant and responsive to?

Sign up by Tuesday, March 26 by emailing with the name of the club.
Remember that during the month of April we will have a different format. Take advantage of the opportunities below to participate in smaller, themed discussion groups guided by one of our Diversity Champions. Please sign up for the topic that speaks to you in this moment. We will have more opportunities to do this, so please e-mail me if you have suggestions, or want to volunteer to lead a club in the future.

Media Club: Growing as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Champions
Host: Tina Dodge Vera, (541) 730-3541
Summary of activity: This group will be invited by email to view videos related to DEI each Monday in April. Videos range in length from 20 minutes to 1 hour 45 minutes.  The videos are meant to inspire reflection in DEI champions. After watching the videos, participants are welcome to reply-all to the email to share your thoughts and questions, or reach out to Tina directly with any questions.

Media Club: DEI in Local, Regional, and Community Food Systems
Host: Lauren Gwin, (541) 737 1569 (and DC members who are also in the Extension CFS Working Group)
Summary of activity: This group will review and discuss online articles and videos related to DEI in the local, regional, and community food systems movement. In April, Lauren will email a link to a relevant article or video at the start of the week. After you read or watch, please reply-all to the email to share your thoughts and questions. At the end of April, we will have a Zoom meeting to discuss what we observed and learned.

Media Club: DEI in Technology and Youth STEM/STEAM Education
Host: Victor Villegas, (541) 737-8255
Summary of activity: This group will review and discuss online articles and videos regarding diversity, equity and inclusion in technology and youth STEM/STEAM education. During the month of April, Victor will email a link to a relevant article or video at the beginning of the week. After review, you can reply-all to the email or connect with Victor 1:1 to share your thoughts and/or questions about what you read or watched. At the end of the month, there will be a Zoom meeting so members can discuss their observations and what they learned.

Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions during the month of April. Otherwise, I’ll see you for our next meeting on Wednesday, May 8, 10am – 11am!

-Ana Lu and the DEI Team

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