THEIR FACES ARE familiar for the feelings of horror and shame they produce in me. Mickey Rooney as Mr. Yunioshi in 1961’s “Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” stumbling around his Manhattan apartment in a blue bathrobe, his face contorted — lips barely closing over grotesquely pronounced buckteeth, slicked-back hair dyed jet black. Ashton Kutcher as a Bollywood producer, Raj, in a 2012 commercial, his skin darkened, a brown mustache affixed to his face, speaking in a cheap singsong voice, swaying his body, which is clad in a bright blue silk sherwani, back and forth to imitate the Indian head waggle. Tilda Swinton, otherworldly in her beauty, as always, but monkishly bald as the Ancient One, a character originally intended to be Tibetan, in 2016’s “Doctor Strange.” More subtle, but still just as shocking: Emma Stone — blonde and green-eyed — as Allison Ng, leaning against a kitchen island in a scene from 2015’s “Aloha” and saying, “My dad was half Chinese, half Hawaiian,” as breezily as if she were saying goodbye to someone on the telephone.

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