Centralizing Access Token Requests

The current method to get an access token for an our APIs is to make a POST request containing a client ID and client secret to an API by appending “/token” to the end of the URL. For example, the first URL makes an access token request, and the second url makes an API request to the locations API:
  • POST https://api.oregonstate.edu/v1/locations/token
  • GET https://api.oregonstate.edu/v1/locations
Today, we are announcing the OAuth2 API, which performs OAuth2 related requests and serves as a centralized OAuth2 API. Developers can use the OAuth2 API to request an access token.
  • POST https://api.oregonstate.edu/oauth2/token
The token endpoint for the OAuth2 API allows access token requests for any API. Developers can then use the same access token in the Authorization header of their API request like normal.


Today, we are also deprecating the decentralized “/token” endpoints for our APIs. We plan to remove token endpoints from our APIs on Monday, November 13th 2017. We encourage you to start using the OAuth2 API instead for access token requests. Before the production change on November 13th, we’ll be removing the decentralized token endpoints from our APIs in our development environment on October 30th 2017. 
After Monday, November 13th, 2017, you won’t be able to get an access token by adding “/token” to the end of a request URL. For example, these requests won’t work after that day:
  • POST https://api.oregonstate.edu/v1/directory/token
  • POST https://api.oregonstate.edu/v1/locations/token
Instead, please use the OAuth2 API to get an access token. Link to documentation. 


Oregon State University uses OAuth 2 for API authentication and authorization. When someone registers an application on our developer portal, they get a client ID and client secret which are used during the API request process. To access an API resource, the client ID and secret are used in a token request to the OAuth2 API: POST https://api.oregonstate.edu/oauth2/token

The response for a token request will include an access token, which is used to get access to an API and has a limited lifetime. The response will also include a token expiration time and a list of APIs the access token may be used with. A developer can then use the access token in the header of a request to access an API the token is authorized for. This process works well for public data (like the locations or directory APIs) or when only specific people/departments can use an API.

Three-legged OAuth

Deprecating our decentralized token endpoints from our APIs allows us to direct all access token requests to one API instead of each individual one. This makes things simpler, but also allows us to expand our scope of OAuth2 to more than access token requests. One of the components of OAuth is the three-legged flow which allows an end-user to grant an application permission to access certain data about the user. For example, think about how applications on the web share data with each other. Let’s say a developer created a web form and allows a user to auto-fill information from their Facebook profile. The web form directs the user to Facebook to authorize the web form application to access the user’s data. This is an example of three-legged OAuth.

Enabling three-legged OAuth allows us to expand our scope when developing APIs to deal with more confidential or sensitive data, and lets the users decide on whether an application should access data about them. As an example, think about an API that could retrieve a student’s grades. The developer or the student (user in this example) shouldn’t have access to everyone’s grades. They should only be able to access their own. A student would log in (authenticate) before deciding if the application is allowed to retrieve their grades.

For more information on the OAuth standard, go to https://oauth.net/2/

Register an application on the developer portal to get started using some of OSU’s APIs: https://developer.oregonstate.edu

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