Web Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) allow us to share data between systems while preventing leaking of low level details that would otherwise cause tight-coupling between systems. These APIs are just like any application, with the small difference that they don’t have an end-user GUI. Instead, APIs focus on gathering data from backend(s) and performing operations on this data while providing a standard and consistent interface to these operations. APIs have the same need as regular applications when it comes to iterative planning/design and user feedback. This is where swagger (OpenAPI Specification) comes in.

The Swagger design language work started in 2010 as a framework to document and describe Web APIs. On January 1, 2016, it was renamed to OpenAPI Specification. This rename was part of converting the Swagger project into one of the Linux Foundation Collaboration projects, which have more involvement from vendors and community on direction of the toolset and the design language.

OpenAPI Specification allows us to use json or yaml to describe our web API endpoints (urls), their parameters, response body and error codes. Before the OpenAPI Specification existed people would use text files, word or other non-web API friendly formats to document their APIs.

When OSU began our API development efforts, we wanted to have a communication and feedback cycle with OSU developers. Using the OpenAPI Specification (swagger), we can use a tool such as the swagger editor (http://editor.swagger.io/#/) and make changes to the documentation of the API in real time while we talk to developers on campus. This allows us to make changes to the visible documentation of an API without having to implement it or spend a lot of time developing a separate structure or document.  We can make a change directly to the yaml file, which is faster than having to adjust already implemented APIs.

Information Services researched a variety of tools to describe APIs. We looked at: OpenAPI Specification, RAML (http://raml.org/) , API Blueprint (https://apiblueprint.org/) and I/O Docs (https://github.com/mashery/iodocs). At first, from a technical perspective, RAML was the most attractive design language when we compared it to OpenAPI Specification, but version 2 of OpenAPI specification addressed the v1 downsides. OpenAPI specification had the greatest user base with a huge community of developers online and along with that vendor support and OpenSource tools/frameworks that supported it.

The benefits of OpenAPI Specification are:

  • Online editor – provides a wysiwyg for the API. Easy to make changes and see the output.
    swagger editor
  • Mock server – you can describe your API and have a mock/test server endpoint that returns test data. This is helpful when testing APIs.
    server generation screenshot
  • Client code – sample code that can be used to test APIs and use the APIs in a variety of languages.
    client generation code
  • Vendor/OSS support – a variety of open source tools, frameworks and vendor offerings that work with OpenAPI Specification made it the de facto language to document APIs.

Our API development cycle is:

  1. Talk to stake-holders and data owners.
  2. Design API (using OpenAPI Specification).
  3. Collect Feedback.
  4. Implement.
  5. Release as Beta & collect feedback.
  6. Release to Production.
  7. Go back to first step.

These steps are similar to the application development cycle. The key component of our API development is listening to our community of developers. The APIs are built for developers and using OpenAPI Specification to design the API initially with the developers in mind allows us to collect feedback right away and early-on. Before we start implementation of an API, we have a really good idea of what the developers need and the design has been validated by API consumers (OSU developers), stake-holders and data owners.

Our API source code is hosted in github and the OpenAPI Specification is treated just like code and is included along with the source code. We treat this documentation just like we do code and documentation. The API Gateway that we use (apigee.com) allows us to upload our OpenAPI Specification yaml file and it creates the documentation pages needed for our APIs. This process streamlines our documentation while also preventing us from locking ourselves to a single vendor. If, down the road, we need to move to another API gateway solution, we will be able to re-use our OpenAPI Specification yaml files to create and document our APIs.

OpenAPI specification has been quick for our team to learn. Our students are able to pick it up after a few hours. Starting from a sample file it is easy to modify it to document new APIs. Once a person has experience with OpenAPI Specification, in less than 30 minutes we can have a design document that we can share with developers for feedback. This enables us to develop APIs faster and keep our developers happy. Faster development and happy developers? That’s a win.

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