Welcome to the Office of the Dean of Student Life blog- the DeanZine! We are honored and excited to serve you, as you continue on your journey of personal and professional development. With programs and services that have special focus on student development, The Office of the Dean of Student Life is committed to building a campus community that brings learning and self-discovery to the forefront of a student’s experience at Oregon State University, so that we may prepare the next generation of global citizen-scholars with the ability to make positive transformation in society.

Here at Oregon State University, you have the opportunity to unfold into your best self. There are many educators who have dedicated their own careers to your success, so I encourage you to connect with all of the support systems that are here for you.

You are now a part of a legacy of excellence, and I wish you success on this journey.

Dr. Mamta Motwani Accapadi
Dean of Student Life

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