Happy Spring OSU!


Although the weather hasn’t been the brightest lately, I can feel the summer approaching! My name is Jesseanne Pope. I came to OSU last year as a transfer student from a community college in my hometown. I am now in my third-year (well almost DONE with my third year!), and am majoring in Liberal Studies with a focus in Social Justice. I am also earning a minor in Leadership and working on the Peace Studies Certificate.

The OSU campus holds a special place in my heart, as it has been my education, home, and work place for the past two years. I currently live on campus as a live-in staff member for University Housing and Dining Services. I work as a Community Relations Facilitator, which allows me to do programming around social justice and diversity topics in the residence halls, cooperatives houses, and cultural resource centers. I have held many other jobs on campus, all of which have been wonderful! For example, I worked last summer as START Orientation Leader with New Student Programs and Family Outreach.

As far as involvement goes, I keep myself pretty busy! I am President of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, a member of Phi Kappa Phi, a collegiate honor society for all disciplines, an Every1 Peer Educator, and an intern with the Office of the Dean of Student Life (hence why you’re reading my story). As an intern here I work on developing and coordinating systems for future interns, for both undergraduate and graduate students. I have gained useful skills so far this term, including the use of Qualtrics (a university survey system), syllabus development, meeting facilitation, and blog writing!

After graduating from OSU I hope to continue on to earn my Masters degree in Student Affairs. I hope to end up working in a university setting. My dream is to work with students and social justice on a big campus. There are many focus areas within student affairs, so I haven’t chosen specifically yet. However, I think I would like to work in new student programs, housing and dining/residence education, admissions, or multicultural programs.

The picture below is from my time studying abroad in Europe. I am sitting on the ledge of a castle on the coast of the Mediterranean in Southeastern Spain. If you get the opportunity to study abroad, I wouldn’t pass it up! Enjoy your four day weekend everyone!


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