OSU Community Response to Recent Acts of Intolerance

18 April 2014

To the OSU Community:

Recently, our university has experienced three severe and unacceptable incidents of racism, homophobia and intolerance that as a community we will not tolerate. These actions are personally disheartening and they are in disregard of the university’s stated aspirations to be a collaborative and caring community. Such acts produce significant harm. They create a sense of fear and vulnerability and negatively affect the ability of community members to participate in university life.

As a university, we aspire to create a welcoming environment that enables success for all members of our community. Our common values are grounded in justice, civility and respect and look to our diversity as a source of enrichment and strength. Our academic environment thrives on critical inquiry and the exchange of ideas; however, hate speech is inconsistent with our mission, and it is unacceptable.

If you are a student and would like confidential assistance in dealing with matters such as homophobia, please contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPs) at 541-737-2131. If you are an employee and would like confidential assistance, please contact OSU’s Employee Assistance Program within the Human Resources Department by calling 541-737-3103 or online at human.resources@oregonstate.edu

As members of the Oregon State community, we cannot remain silent. Each of us should condemn acts of hate, and assert our values. The university will convene strategy discussions involving students on how we move toward a more inclusive university community. Please join us and the university in doing all we can to counter hateful acts with more vigorous efforts to create and maintain a climate of inclusion, respect and care for all.

Ed Ray

Sabah Randhawa
Provost and Executive Vice President

Becky Warner
Sr Vice Provost, Academic Affairs

Larry Roper
Vice Provost

David Blake
Asst Vice President, Human Resources & Public Safety

Tracey Bentley Townlin
Interim Dean of Student Life

Angelo Gomez
Executive Director, Equity & Inclusion

Allison Davis-White Eyes
Director, Intercultural Student Services

Brett Deedon
President, Associated Students of OSU

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