
DOSL blog

My name is Miguel Arellano. I graduated from Oregon State University (OSU) in 2012. As an undergrad I was extremely involved in student led organizations. I held multiple student staff positions that introduced me to the great field of student affairs. I worked in Student Leadership and Involvement, advising and supporting OSU student organizations. I also worked as a Community Relations Facilitator within University Housing and Dining Services as a live-in peer educator, leading discussions to foster dialogue between residents on topics of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, ability, etc. and to promote an environment that celebrates all students through facilitated workshops and programs

I am currently in my first year of the College Student Services Administration program. My current assistantship is with the department of Diversity Development. Specifically with the Centro Cultural César Chávez, one of the six student-ran cultural and resource centers on campus. This assistantship allows me to advise and support ten great student staff that program about 30 events a year in hopes to celebrate difference and solidarity within OSU.

One event I would like to invite you to is “Queer, Undocumented and Unafraid”. This event is sponsored by the Centro Cultural Cesar Chávez, Community Relations Facilitator program, Pride center, and the Black Cultural center. A student from California who is writing a book on “undocuqueer” will be speaking. The event will focus on the intersecting of identities of being both undocumented and queer. And the obstacles the speaker had to overcome and how both communities can come together for social justice. The event is on May 8th in the International Living Learning Center (ILLC) from 7pm-9pm.

This is my first term interning with the DOSL team. I am very excited to be working on the 2013 CSSA Cohort orientation and social justice retreat. I will also be working on the NUFP pre conference and the 2013 CSSA cohort transitions course next fall.

I am very excited to finally see the sun come out. Spring term is always my favorite term. It is something about the spring flower aromas, sun, and blossoming trees that make me happy. Luckly, I will be spending this summer in the sunny state of California, interning with University of California Santa Cruz. I look forward to interning with DOSL. Stay Tuned for more blogging!!


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