Hello everybody my name is Joel Orozco and I am the NUFP (NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program) intern with Oregon State University of the Dean of Student Life. I am originally from Chihuahua Mexico but I went to school in Denver Colorado. I recently just graduated from Metropolitan State University of Denver and I am currently doing my search to apply to a student affairs graduate program.

My journey at OSU has been very rewarding so far. I started working for the University Housing & Dining Services (UHDS) office for the first 3 weeks of my internship by helping with initial student development research and comparison school interviews to designed the curriculum for the community relations facilitators (CRF’s), which is a peer mentorship program that is intended to embrace diversity and address social justice issues by having creative events within the resident halls at OSU.

A week ago I was moved to the office of the Dean of Student Life to work on two exiting projects. The first one has to do with a resources guide for graduate school with a focus on student who want to pursue a career in higher education and student affairs. The guide contains information from broad topics such as types of programs, financing, and application process to more specific topics such as terms and definitions, things one should know before grad school, and a section on knowing the details.

My second project involves international students and the office of Disability Access Center. The purpose of my project is for me to gather accurate information in regards of international students with disabilities cultural competencies when it comes to disabilities. I have been looking at the literature in a couple different databases and interviewing other schools and individuals to hear their feedback and to see how individuals from other disability centers in direct contact with international students are approaching this issue.

All in all, I have really been enjoying my time in Corvallis meeting new people, the nearby cities, and specially the coast. I am passionate about the work and research that I am doing and I am so thankful for the opportunity to be here!

Go Beavs!!!


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