My name is Sophie, and I am the PROMISE intern with Oregon State University’s Office of the Dean of Student Life. I am also a recent OSU graduate, and will be entering OSU’s College Student Services Administration Program next year with an assistantship in the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.

This summer I am working on a variety of projects, with the foremost being a continuation of my work from the academic year. I had an internship with the Office of the Dean of Student Life during Spring Term,and I created videos for OSU campus resources (Dixon Recreation Center, Valley Library, Counseling & Psychological Services, Student Health Services and Office of the Dean of Student Life). As of this past week they are all captioned for accessibility, posted on YouTube, and are also posted on the up and coming new Dean of Student Life website (which should go live in a few short days). This summer I will continue making more resource videos and creating PDF “cheat sheets” for the existing videos.

Another large project I will be working on is updating the National Association of Student Personal Administrators Undergraduate Fellowship Program (NUFP) program at the OSU campus for the 2012-2013 year. NUFP is a mentoring program designed for underrepresented students interested in pursuing student affairs as a profession. I am updating a syllabus for a AHE 499 NUFP class, creating OSU-NUFP promotional material, connecting with current NUFP Scholars, and filming a NUFP informational video. For anyone interested in a future profession within student affairs and higher education please let me know by leaving a comment!

In short I have some exciting projects on my plate! I will also post the links to the YouTube videos soon in case anyone wants to spend a few minutes learning about some helpful campus resources.

Happy Monday 🙂

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