Current and Former Graduate Students

I have worked with many graduate students since taking on my first advisee in 2005. My primary goal in advising students is to help them define and pursue publishable research questions that contribute to the growing knowledge base in environmental and natural resource economics. Most of my students gain experience with applying microeconomic theory, micro-econometric tools, environmental economics principles, and computational skills to the analysis of primary and secondary datasets.

Oregon State University (current students)

  • Kelsey Johnson (PhD expected in 2022)
  • Grant Zimmerman (MS expected in 2019)
  • Nozomi Kato (MS expected in 2020)
  • Lima Hossein (MS expected in 2020)

Oregon State University (alumni)

University of Wisconsin, Madison (alumni)

  • Van Butsic (PhD 2011; now Asst. Specialist at University of California, Berkeley)
    • Placement: Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Germany
    • Now: Assistant Specialist, Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California Berkeley
  • Kelly Jones (formerly Kelly Wendland) (PhD 2011)
    • Placement: Assistant Professor, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho
    • Now: Associate Professor, Dept. of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Colorado State University
  • Brian Robinson (PhD 2011)
    • Placement: Post-doctoral Researcher, The Natural Capital Project
    • Now: Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography, McGill University
  • Kate Zipp (PhD 2014)
    • Placement: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Penn State University
  • Eric Horsch (MS 2008)
    • Placement: Stratus Consulting, Boulder, CO
    • Now: Senior Associate at Industrial Economics, Cambridge, MA
  • Lindsay Ludwig (MS 2008)
    • Placement: Industrial Economics, Cambridge, MA
  • Steven Chambers (MS 2010; awarded best MS thesis by AAEA)
    • Placement: Constellation Energy Services, Inc.
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