Here we post the Stata code for the talk Family [work] structure and the rise in Oregon’s rural child poverty rate.

19 Apr 2017

Analysis for the NWCFR conference

NWCFR 2017 Conference April 20-21; Portland OR

Abstract. The rural child poverty rate in Oregon rose from 19% (2000) to 27% (2014). Changes in the economy, family structure, and social policy contribute to child poverty. In comparison to urban places, rural family structures have changed more rapidly (Lichter & Schafft, 2016). Further, rural Oregon communities have transformed away from extractive economies (e.g. timber). These social and economic changes have a strong impact on family relations. We use repeated cross-sectional data from the U.S. Census and American community survey 1980-2015 (n=533,596) to describe and explain how the changing economy and family have contributed to the rise in Oregon’s rural child poverty rate.

Description of the sample

Data is from the ACS at the IPUMS USA

Data notes

WFF refers to a method by Waldfogel (2009) which groups children into households by the amount of parents present in the home and the number of parents employed. The five categories include: Two parents both working, One parent working, Two parents one working, One parent not working, Two parents not working.

The WFF variable has 7.85% missing data. The number of missing increases over time, from a low in 1980 of 5.98% to a high in 2015 of 11.19%. This occurs because children are living in households headed by people that are not parents, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other adults.

For rural area 1990, we use the metaread variable to assign respondents to rural (non-metro status).

All years

  .  quietly svyset [pweight=perwt]
  . tabout povstat sex hhedu wff immigrant irace yr [aw=perwt] usin
g table01.txt, c(col) f(3) clab(%) ptotal(none) svy oneway replace
      Survey results being calculated
      ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5 
  . .........................................
      Table output written to: table01.txt
      0       0.863
      1       0.137
      Male    0.494
      Female  0.506
      Family head education   
      HS or Less      0.448
      Some College/AA 0.278
      BA+     0.273
      waldfogel five family structure: numparents and work    
      two parents both work   0.387
      single parent who works 0.184
      two parents, 1 works    0.295
      single parent not work  0.089
      two parent neither works        0.045
      RECODE of citizen (Citizenship status)  
      Non-immigrant   0.919
      immigrant       0.081
      White   0.881
      Non-White       0.119
      RECODE of year (Census year)    
      1980    0.130
      1990    0.139
      2000    0.168
      2005    0.175
      2010    0.189
      2015    0.198

Summary across years

  .  tabout povstat sex hhedu wff immigrant irace yr if age<18 usin
g table02.txt,  ///
       c(col) f(3) clab(%) ptotal(none) svy replace 
      Survey results being calculated
      ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5 
  . .........................................
      Table output written to: table02.txt
              RECODE of year (Census year)                                            
              1980    1990    2000    2005    2010    2015    Total
              %       %       %       %       %       %       %
      0       0.873   0.840   0.852   0.809   0.781   0.793   0.823
      1       0.127   0.160   0.148   0.191   0.219   0.207   0.177
      Male    0.512   0.508   0.513   0.513   0.518   0.512   0.513
      Female  0.488   0.492   0.487   0.487   0.482   0.488   0.487
      Family head education                                                   
      HS or Less      0.546   0.391   0.492   0.472   0.431   0.397   0.454
      Some College/AA 0.239   0.369   0.259   0.260   0.287   0.274   0.280
      BA+     0.214   0.240   0.249   0.268   0.281   0.328   0.265
      waldfogel five family structure: numparents and work                                                    
      two parents both work   0.354   0.453   0.435   0.376   0.369   0.418   0.400
      single parent who works 0.104   0.148   0.181   0.201   0.206   0.225   0.180
      two parents, 1 works    0.436   0.308   0.294   0.315   0.290   0.270   0.317
      single parent not work  0.056   0.064   0.056   0.078   0.099   0.066   0.071
      two parent neither works        0.050   0.027   0.034   0.029   0.036   0.021   0.033
      RECODE of citizen (Citizenship status)                                                  
      Non-immigrant   0.983   0.981   0.955   0.949   0.964   0.973   0.967
      immigrant       0.017   0.019   0.045   0.051   0.036   0.027   0.033
      White   0.946   0.905   0.815   0.820   0.789   0.797   0.841
      Non-White       0.054   0.095   0.185   0.180   0.211   0.203   0.159

Research question 1: What is the child poverty rate in Oregon?

  .  tabout yr if age<18 using table03.txt,  ///
       c(mean povstat) f(3) clab(%) ptotal(none) svy sum replace 
      Survey results being calculated
      ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5 
  . .........
      Table output written to: table03.txt
      RECODE of year (Census year)    %
      1980    0.127
      1990    0.160
      2000    0.148
      2005    0.191
      2010    0.219
      2015    0.207

Figure 1: Percent poverty across year

  .  use ACS1980_2015_v1, clear
  . tabstat povstat [w=perwt] if age<18, by(yr) save
      (analytic weights assumed)
      Summary for variables: povstat
           by categories of: yr (RECODE of year (Census year))
          yr |      mean
        1980 |  .1269661
        1990 |  .1599498
        2000 |  .1481908
        2005 |  .1909169
        2010 |  .2191034
        2015 |  .2069388
       Total |  .1771858
  . tabstatmat povmat
       1980:mean  .12696614
       1990:mean  .15994979
       2000:mean   .1481908
       2005:mean  .19091687
       2010:mean  .21910338
       2015:mean  .20693883
      Total:mean  .17718576
  . gen orpov = .
      (558,572 missing values generated)
  . replace orpov = povmat[6,1] if year==2015
      (39,992 real changes made)
  . replace orpov = povmat[5,1] if year==2010
      (38,464 real changes made)
  . replace orpov = povmat[4,1] if year==2005
      (35,485 real changes made)
  . replace orpov = povmat[3,1] if year==2000
      (171,666 real changes made)
  . replace orpov = povmat[2,1] if year==1990
      (140,984 real changes made)
  . replace orpov = povmat[1,1] if year==1980
      (131,981 real changes made)
  . collapse (mean) povstat [w=perwt] if age<18, by(year rmetro orp
      (analytic weights assumed)
  . twoway (line orpov year, lpattern(dash_dot)), title("Child Pove
rty in Oregon") ///
       note("Source: Census ACS from") ytitle("Poverty rate") ///
       legend( order(1 "rural" 2 "urban" 3 "Oregon") rows(1)) xlabel(1980(5)2015) ylabel(.1(.05).3)
  . graph export fig1.png, replace
      (file fig1.png written in PNG format)



Figure 1. Child poverty over time

Research question 2: What is the child poverty rate in rural Oregon over time?

  .  twoway (line povstat year if rmetro==0) (line povstat year if 
rmetro==1) ///
       (line orpov year, lpattern(dash_dot)), title("Child Poverty in Oregon") ///
       note("Source: Census ACS from") ytitle("Poverty rate") ///
       legend( order(1 "rural" 2 "urban" 3 "Oregon") rows(1)) xlabel(1980(5)2015)
  . graph export fig2.png, replace
      (file fig2.png written in PNG format)


Figure 2. Child poverty over time across metro and non-metro

  .  use ACS1980_2015_v1, clear
.  bysort rmetro: tabstat povstat [w=perwt] if age<18, by(yr)
          -> rmetro = rural
          (analytic weights assumed)
          Summary for variables: povstat
               by categories of: yr (RECODE of year (Census year))
              yr |      mean
            1980 |  .1406781
            1990 |  .1895312
            2000 |  .1724134
            2005 |  .2169929
            2010 |  .2641961
            2015 |  .2335568
           Total |  .2013487
          -> rmetro = metro
          (analytic weights assumed)
          Summary for variables: povstat
               by categories of: yr (RECODE of year (Census year))
              yr |      mean
            1980 |  .1184764
            1990 |  .1430002
            2000 |  .1375747
            2005 |  .1800781
            2010 |  .2009082
            2015 |  .1962687
           Total |  .1659759
. bysort year: fre povstatcate [w=perwt] if age<18 & rmetro==0
          (frequency weights assumed)
          -> year = 1980
                               |      Freq.    Percent      Valid       Cum.
          Valid   0 non-poor   |     173360      62.03      62.66      62.66
                  1 low-income |      64380      23.04      23.27      85.93
                  2 poor       |      38920      13.93      14.07     100.00
                  Total        |     276660      98.99     100.00           
          Missing .            |       2820       1.01                      
          Total                |     279480     100.00                      
          -> year = 1990
                               |      Freq.    Percent      Valid       Cum.
          Valid   0 non-poor   |     143015      54.53      55.07      55.07
                  1 low-income |      67467      25.72      25.98      81.05
                  2 poor       |      49222      18.77      18.95     100.00
                  Total        |     259704      99.01     100.00           
          Missing .            |       2584       0.99                      
          Total                |     262288     100.00                      
          -> year = 2000
                               |      Freq.    Percent      Valid       Cum.
          Valid   0 non-poor   |     142819      55.33      56.04      56.04
                  1 low-income |      68084      26.38      26.72      82.76
                  2 poor       |      43938      17.02      17.24     100.00
                  Total        |     254841      98.73     100.00           
          Missing .            |       3269       1.27                      
          Total                |     258110     100.00                      
          -> year = 2005
                               |      Freq.    Percent      Valid       Cum.
          Valid   0 non-poor   |     123362      49.63      50.31      50.31
                  1 low-income |      68647      27.62      27.99      78.30
                  2 poor       |      53211      21.41      21.70     100.00
                  Total        |     245220      98.65     100.00           
          Missing .            |       3357       1.35                      
          Total                |     248577     100.00                      
          -> year = 2010
                               |      Freq.    Percent      Valid       Cum.
          Valid   0 non-poor   |     112097      44.86      45.35      45.35
                  1 low-income |      69793      27.93      28.23      73.58
                  2 poor       |      65309      26.13      26.42     100.00
                  Total        |     247199      98.92     100.00           
          Missing .            |       2700       1.08                      
          Total                |     249899     100.00                      
          -> year = 2015
                               |      Freq.    Percent      Valid       Cum.
          Valid   0 non-poor   |     115405      46.90      47.31      47.31
                  1 low-income |      71542      29.07      29.33      76.64
                  2 poor       |      56968      23.15      23.36     100.00
                  Total        |     243915      99.12     100.00           
          Missing .            |       2173       0.88                      
          Total                |     246088     100.00                      
  .  quietly svyset [pweight=perwt]
  . keep if rmetro ==0 //keep only rural 
      (350,971 observations deleted)

Focus on rural

What is rural familywork structure of all children in 2015?

Using the Waldfogel (2009) five category

  .  tabout wff [aw=perwt] if yr==5 using table04.txt, ///
       c(col) f(3) clab(%) ptotal(none) svy oneway replace 
      Survey results being calculated
      ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5 
  . .....
      Table output written to: table04.txt
      waldfogel five family structure: numparents and work    %
      two parents both work   0.357
      single parent who works 0.224
      two parents, 1 works    0.247
      single parent not work  0.129
      two parent neither works        0.044

What is rural familywork structure of children in 2015?

Using the Waldfogel (2009) five category

  .  catplot  wff [aw=perwt] if age<18 & year==1980, percent asyvar
s vertical  ///
       ytitle("Percent") ///
       title("Family-work structure demographics 1980") ///
       subtitle("") ///
       note("Source: IPUMS ACS") ///
       ysize(3) blabel(bar, format(%9.1f)) bargap(5)
  . graph export fig3.png, replace
      (file fig3.png written in PNG format)

  .  catplot  wff [aw=perwt] if age<18 & year==2015, percent asyvar
s vertical  ///
       ytitle("Percent") ///
       title("Family-work structure demographics 2015") ///
       subtitle("") ///
       note("Source: IPUMS ACS") ///
       ysize(3) blabel(bar, format(%9.1f)) bargap(5)
  . graph export fig4.png, replace
      (file fig4.png written in PNG format)

Figure 3. rural familywork structure across poverty in 2015

Figure 4. rural familywork structure across poverty in 2015

What is rural familywork structure of children across poverty in 1980?

Using the Waldfogel (2009) five category

  .  catplot  povstatcate wff [aw=perwt] if age<18 & year==1980 & r
metro==0, percent(povstatcate) asyvars vertical  ///
       ytitle("Percent") ///
       title("Family-work structure across poverty levels 1980") ///
       subtitle("") ///
       note("Source: IPUMS ACS") ///
       ysize(3) blabel(bar, format(%9.1f))
  . graph export fig5.png, replace
      (file fig5.png written in PNG format)

Figure 5. rural familywork structure across poverty in 1980

What is rural familywork structure of children across poverty in 2015?

Using the Waldfogel (2009) five category

  .  catplot  povstatcate wff [aw=perwt] if age<18 & year==2015, pe
rcent(povstatcate) asyvars vertical  ///
       ytitle("Percent") ///
       title("Family-work structure across poverty levels 2015") ///
       subtitle("") ///
       note("Source: IPUMS ACS") ///
       ysize(3) blabel(bar, format(%9.1f))
  . graph export fig6.png, replace
      (file fig6.png written in PNG format)

Figure 6. rural familywork structure across poverty in 2015

What is rural familywork structure over time?

Using the Waldfogel (2009) five category

  .  tabout wff year if age<18 using table05.txt,  ///
       c(col) f(3) clab(%) ptotal(none) svy replace 
      Survey results being calculated
      ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5 
  . ......
      Table output written to: table05.txt
              Census year                                             
      waldfogel five family structure: numparents and work    1980    1990    2000    2005    2010    2015    Total
              %       %       %       %       %       %       %
      two parents both work   0.337   0.439   0.437   0.389   0.372   0.369   0.390
      single parent who works 0.089   0.134   0.186   0.209   0.226   0.244   0.178
      two parents, 1 works    0.453   0.321   0.275   0.274   0.233   0.268   0.308
      single parent not work  0.054   0.070   0.066   0.081   0.127   0.098   0.082
      two parent neither works        0.066   0.035   0.037   0.048   0.042   0.021   0.042

What is rural poverty rates across familywork structure over time?

  .  tabout wff year if age<18 using table06.txt,  ///
       c(mean povstat) f(3) clab(%) ptotal(none) svy sum replace 
      Survey results being calculated
      ----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5 
  . ...........
      Table output written to: table06.txt
              Census year                                             
      waldfogel five family structure: numparents and work    1980    1990    2000    2005    2010    2015    Total
              %       %       %       %       %       %       %
      two parents both work   0.044   0.043   0.031   0.042   0.035   0.018   0.036
      single parent who works 0.260   0.337   0.291   0.379   0.377   0.353   0.341
      two parents, 1 works    0.088   0.144   0.140   0.152   0.188   0.178   0.139
      single parent not work  0.641   0.795   0.683   0.686   0.770   0.833   0.745
      two parent neither works        0.281   0.482   0.362   0.558   0.558   0.573   0.439

Figure 7: Child poverty rates by WFF for 1980 and 2015.

  .  graph bar (mean) povstat [aw=perwt] if age<18 & yr!=1 &yr!=2 &
 yr!=3 & yr!=4, over(wff, label(angle(forty_five) labsize(small))) by(yr)
  . graph export fig7.png, replace
      (file fig7.png written in PNG format)

Child poverty rate WFF over time 1980, 2015

.  quietly log close

19 Apr 2017

This file contains the regression results.

Simple regression with year and wff

  .  probit povstat yr##wff  [pw=perwt] if age<18
      Iteration 0:   log pseudolikelihood = -700262.69  
      Iteration 1:   log pseudolikelihood = -524964.09  
      Iteration 2:   log pseudolikelihood = -521387.98  
      Iteration 3:   log pseudolikelihood = -521359.08  
      Iteration 4:   log pseudolikelihood = -521359.07  
      Probit regression                               Number of obs     =     48,953
                                                      Wald chi2(29)     =    7133.99
                                                      Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
      Log pseudolikelihood = -521359.07               Pseudo R2         =     0.2555
                                     |               Robust
                             povstat |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                  yr |
                               1980  |          0  (base)
                               1990  |  -.0114757   .0452912    -0.25   0.800    -.1002449    .0772935
                               2000  |   -.158782   .0474718    -3.34   0.001    -.2518249    -.065739
                               2005  |  -.0222688   .0936722    -0.24   0.812     -.205863    .1613254
                               2010  |  -.1067875   .0854746    -1.25   0.212    -.2743146    .0607396
                               2015  |  -.3854205   .1213995    -3.17   0.001    -.6233591   -.1474819
                                 wff |
              two parents both work  |          0  (base)
            single parent who works  |   1.060778   .0514812    20.61   0.000     .9598764    1.161679
               two parents, 1 works  |   .3525842   .0402307     8.76   0.000     .2737335     .431435
             single parent not work  |   2.066141   .0583853    35.39   0.000     1.951708    2.180574
           two parent neither works  |   1.125473   .0560329    20.09   0.000      1.01565    1.235295
                              yr#wff |
       1990#single parent who works  |    .234309   .0686746     3.41   0.001     .0997093    .3689087
          1990#two parents, 1 works  |   .2989324   .0569447     5.25   0.000     .1873228     .410542
        1990#single parent not work  |   .4727174   .0824364     5.73   0.000     .3111451    .6342897
      1990#two parent neither works  |   .5453393   .0879201     6.20   0.000     .3730191    .7176595
       2000#single parent who works  |   .2512216    .068423     3.67   0.000      .117115    .3853282
          2000#two parents, 1 works  |   .4291223   .0600377     7.15   0.000     .3114505    .5467941
        2000#single parent not work  |     .27341   .0829424     3.30   0.001     .1108459    .4359741
      2000#two parent neither works  |   .3853492    .092507     4.17   0.000     .2040387    .5666597
       2005#single parent who works  |   .3586343   .1290474     2.78   0.005     .1057061    .6115625
          2005#two parents, 1 works  |    .347079   .1204575     2.88   0.004     .1109866    .5831714
        2005#single parent not work  |   .1435654   .1738153     0.83   0.409    -.1971064    .4842371
      2005#two parent neither works  |   .7479414   .1903491     3.93   0.000     .3748639    1.121019
       2010#single parent who works  |   .4368022   .1226926     3.56   0.000      .196329    .6772753
          2010#two parents, 1 works  |   .5733609   .1180763     4.86   0.000     .3419355    .8047863
        2010#single parent not work  |   .4849262   .1459424     3.32   0.001     .1988843    .7709681
      2010#two parent neither works  |    .831432   .1794226     4.63   0.000     .4797702    1.183094
       2015#single parent who works  |   .6528215   .1520292     4.29   0.000     .3548496    .9507933
          2015#two parents, 1 works  |   .8140163   .1471315     5.53   0.000     .5256439    1.102389
        2015#single parent not work  |   .9896855   .1833429     5.40   0.000       .63034    1.349031
      2015#two parent neither works  |   1.147994   .2477194     4.63   0.000     .6624732    1.633515
                               _cons |  -1.704071   .0330356   -51.58   0.000    -1.768819   -1.639322
  . margins yr#wff, post
      Adjusted predictions                            Number of obs     =     48,953
      Model VCE    : Robust
      Expression   : Pr(povstat), predict()
                                     |            Delta-method
                                     |     Margin   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                              yr#wff |
         1980#two parents both work  |   .0441839   .0030855    14.32   0.000     .0381364    .0502315
       1980#single parent who works  |   .2600171   .0128076    20.30   0.000     .2349146    .2851195
          1980#two parents, 1 works  |   .0882698    .003675    24.02   0.000      .081067    .0954727
        1980#single parent not work  |   .6413502   .0179867    35.66   0.000     .6060968    .6766036
      1980#two parent neither works  |   .2814302   .0152727    18.43   0.000     .2514964    .3113641
         1990#two parents both work  |   .0431226   .0028376    15.20   0.000      .037561    .0486841
       1990#single parent who works  |   .3370749   .0121447    27.75   0.000     .3132718     .360878
          1990#two parents, 1 works  |   .1436576   .0058375    24.61   0.000     .1322163     .155099
        1990#single parent not work  |   .7948347   .0140039    56.76   0.000     .7673875    .8222819
      1990#two parent neither works  |   .4821595   .0240131    20.08   0.000     .4350948    .5292243
         2000#two parents both work  |   .0312415   .0023989    13.02   0.000     .0265398    .0359432
       2000#single parent who works  |   .2908671   .0101058    28.78   0.000     .2710601    .3106742
          2000#two parents, 1 works  |   .1398161   .0063827    21.91   0.000     .1273062    .1523259
        2000#single parent not work  |   .6832115   .0171088    39.93   0.000     .6496789    .7167441
      2000#two parent neither works  |   .3624076   .0244615    14.82   0.000     .3144639    .4103512
         2005#two parents both work  |   .0421432     .00788     5.35   0.000     .0266987    .0575877
       2005#single parent who works  |   .3794493   .0302555    12.54   0.000     .3201496    .4387491
          2005#two parents, 1 works  |   .1522865   .0169971     8.96   0.000     .1189728    .1856001
        2005#single parent not work  |   .6855823   .0490814    13.97   0.000     .5893846      .78178
      2005#two parent neither works  |   .5584634   .0629093     8.88   0.000     .4351634    .6817634
         2010#two parents both work  |   .0350814    .006103     5.75   0.000     .0231197    .0470431
       2010#single parent who works  |   .3770347    .029881    12.62   0.000      .318469    .4356004
          2010#two parents, 1 works  |   .1881018   .0210791     8.92   0.000     .1467875    .2294161
        2010#single parent not work  |   .7704134   .0327775    23.50   0.000     .7061706    .8346562
      2010#two parent neither works  |   .5580576   .0596499     9.36   0.000      .441146    .6749693
         2015#two parents both work  |   .0183318   .0052524     3.49   0.000     .0080372    .0286264
       2015#single parent who works  |   .3534987   .0306899    11.52   0.000     .2933475    .4136498
          2015#two parents, 1 works  |   .1780321   .0208191     8.55   0.000     .1372275    .2188368
        2015#single parent not work  |   .8330618   .0321853    25.88   0.000     .7699797    .8961439
      2015#two parent neither works  |   .5729838   .0828179     6.92   0.000     .4106637    .7353039
  . estimates store wffraw

Full regression

  .  probit povstat yr##wff age age_head ib0.hhedu i.immigrant
x i.irace [pw=perwt] if age<18
      Iteration 0:   log pseudolikelihood = -695669.02  
      Iteration 1:   log pseudolikelihood = -492662.01  
      Iteration 2:   log pseudolikelihood = -485819.55  
      Iteration 3:   log pseudolikelihood =  -485755.2  
      Iteration 4:   log pseudolikelihood = -485755.09  
      Iteration 5:   log pseudolikelihood = -485755.09  
      Probit regression                               Number of obs     =     48,743
                                                      Wald chi2(36)     =    6708.74
                                                      Prob > chi2       =     0.0000
      Log pseudolikelihood = -485755.09               Pseudo R2         =     0.3017
                                     |               Robust
                             povstat |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                                  yr |
                               1980  |          0  (base)
                               1990  |   .0028169   .0481708     0.06   0.953     -.091596    .0972299
                               2000  |  -.1927909   .0504777    -3.82   0.000    -.2917254   -.0938565
                               2005  |   .0188121   .0976309     0.19   0.847     -.172541    .2101653
                               2010  |  -.0389211   .0903261    -0.43   0.667    -.2159571    .1381148
                               2015  |  -.2906416    .126211    -2.30   0.021    -.5380106   -.0432727
                                 wff |
              two parents both work  |          0  (base)
            single parent who works  |   .9618754   .0536563    17.93   0.000      .856711     1.06704
               two parents, 1 works  |   .2773258   .0426332     6.50   0.000     .1937662    .3608853
             single parent not work  |   1.878709   .0602823    31.17   0.000     1.760557     1.99686
           two parent neither works  |   1.014913    .059228    17.14   0.000     .8988278    1.130997
                              yr#wff |
       1990#single parent who works  |   .2766528   .0714511     3.87   0.000     .1366112    .4166945
          1990#two parents, 1 works  |    .298434   .0598967     4.98   0.000     .1810385    .4158294
        1990#single parent not work  |   .4893384   .0852012     5.74   0.000     .3223473    .6563296
      1990#two parent neither works  |    .587405   .0928246     6.33   0.000     .4054722    .7693378
       2000#single parent who works  |    .283233    .071184     3.98   0.000     .1437148    .4227511
          2000#two parents, 1 works  |   .4613309   .0633072     7.29   0.000      .337251    .5854107
        2000#single parent not work  |   .3786054   .0860183     4.40   0.000     .2100125    .5471983
      2000#two parent neither works  |   .4355257   .1012775     4.30   0.000     .2370256    .6340259
       2005#single parent who works  |   .3184397   .1327662     2.40   0.016     .0582227    .5786567
          2005#two parents, 1 works  |   .2667082   .1234497     2.16   0.031     .0247513    .5086652
        2005#single parent not work  |   .1717347   .1837722     0.93   0.350    -.1884523    .5319217
      2005#two parent neither works  |   .8371676   .1878561     4.46   0.000     .4689765    1.205359
       2010#single parent who works  |   .4131153   .1283871     3.22   0.001     .1614813    .6647493
          2010#two parents, 1 works  |   .5027221   .1222501     4.11   0.000     .2631163    .7423279
        2010#single parent not work  |   .5186869   .1507867     3.44   0.001     .2231504    .8142235
      2010#two parent neither works  |   .8270614   .1993529     4.15   0.000     .4363369    1.217786
       2015#single parent who works  |   .5814087   .1558574     3.73   0.000     .2759339    .8868835
          2015#two parents, 1 works  |   .7857611   .1516461     5.18   0.000     .4885403    1.082982
        2015#single parent not work  |   1.089515   .1872236     5.82   0.000     .7225637    1.456467
      2015#two parent neither works  |   1.097335   .2513163     4.37   0.000     .6047636    1.589905
                                 age |    -.00991   .0034073    -2.91   0.004    -.0165881   -.0032318
                            age_head |  -.0230067   .0020344   -11.31   0.000    -.0269941   -.0190193
                               hhedu |
                         HS or Less  |          0  (base)
                    Some College/AA  |  -.2791045   .0315386    -8.85   0.000    -.3409191   -.2172899
                                BA+  |  -.6743679   .0433022   -15.57   0.000    -.7592386   -.5894971
                           immigrant |
                      Non-immigrant  |          0  (base)
                          immigrant  |   .6360939   .0987027     6.44   0.000     .4426402    .8295476
                                 sex |
                               Male  |          0  (base)
                             Female  |  -.0228502   .0273574    -0.84   0.404    -.0764697    .0307693
                               irace |
                              White  |          0  (base)
                          Non-White  |   .2185108   .0438722     4.98   0.000     .1325227    .3044988
                               _cons |  -.5978639   .0688043    -8.69   0.000    -.7327179   -.4630099
  . margins yr#wff
      Predictive margins                              Number of obs     =     48,743
      Model VCE    : Robust
      Expression   : Pr(povstat), predict()
                                     |            Delta-method
                                     |     Margin   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                              yr#wff |
         1980#two parents both work  |    .051961    .003524    14.74   0.000     .0450542    .0588679
       1980#single parent who works  |   .2344644   .0118765    19.74   0.000     .2111869    .2577418
          1980#two parents, 1 works  |   .0860245   .0036433    23.61   0.000     .0788838    .0931652
        1980#single parent not work  |   .5522112   .0184858    29.87   0.000     .5159797    .5884426
      1980#two parent neither works  |   .2499576   .0142426    17.55   0.000     .2220427    .2778726
         1990#two parents both work  |   .0522432    .003351    15.59   0.000     .0456754     .058811
       1990#single parent who works  |   .3216742   .0114514    28.09   0.000     .2992299    .3441185
          1990#two parents, 1 works  |   .1393828   .0055338    25.19   0.000     .1285368    .1502287
        1990#single parent not work  |   .7220329   .0161257    44.78   0.000     .6904272    .7536386
      1990#two parent neither works  |   .4508194   .0236018    19.10   0.000     .4045608    .4970779
         2000#two parents both work  |   .0353497    .002653    13.32   0.000       .03015    .0405494
       2000#single parent who works  |   .2611999   .0092187    28.33   0.000     .2431316    .2792681
          2000#two parents, 1 works  |   .1326918   .0061026    21.74   0.000     .1207309    .1446528
        2000#single parent not work  |   .6194932   .0178589    34.69   0.000     .5844904     .654496
      2000#two parent neither works  |   .3271496    .025161    13.00   0.000      .277835    .3764642
         2005#two parents both work  |   .0538684   .0093123     5.78   0.000     .0356165    .0721202
       2005#single parent who works  |   .3412457   .0276454    12.34   0.000     .2870617    .3954296
          2005#two parents, 1 works  |   .1361372   .0147456     9.23   0.000     .1072364    .1650379
        2005#single parent not work  |   .6211686   .0524374    11.85   0.000     .5183932    .7239441
      2005#two parent neither works  |   .5493319   .0562097     9.77   0.000     .4391628    .6595009
         2010#two parents both work  |   .0481849   .0078606     6.13   0.000     .0327784    .0635914
       2010#single parent who works  |   .3539872   .0284831    12.43   0.000     .2981614    .4098129
          2010#two parents, 1 works  |   .1759742    .019204     9.16   0.000      .138335    .2136135
        2010#single parent not work  |   .7181594    .034863    20.60   0.000     .6498291    .7864896
      2010#two parent neither works  |   .5242443   .0635516     8.25   0.000     .3996854    .6488032
         2015#two parents both work  |   .0287516   .0074878     3.84   0.000     .0140757    .0434275
       2015#single parent who works  |   .3254646   .0277078    11.75   0.000     .2711583     .379771
          2015#two parents, 1 works  |   .1836635   .0202412     9.07   0.000     .1439915    .2233355
        2015#single parent not work  |   .8088446   .0327768    24.68   0.000     .7446032    .8730861
      2015#two parent neither works  |   .5311198   .0785289     6.76   0.000      .377206    .6850337
  . marginsplot
        Variables that uniquely identify margins: yr wff
  . graph export fig8.png, replace
      (file fig8.png written in PNG format)

Figure 8. Changing risk of poverty for work and family in Oregon

Figure 8. Changing risk of poverty for work and family in Oregon

  .  margins yr#wff, post
      Predictive margins                              Number of obs     =     48,743
      Model VCE    : Robust
      Expression   : Pr(povstat), predict()
                                     |            Delta-method
                                     |     Margin   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                              yr#wff |
         1980#two parents both work  |    .051961    .003524    14.74   0.000     .0450542    .0588679
       1980#single parent who works  |   .2344644   .0118765    19.74   0.000     .2111869    .2577418
          1980#two parents, 1 works  |   .0860245   .0036433    23.61   0.000     .0788838    .0931652
        1980#single parent not work  |   .5522112   .0184858    29.87   0.000     .5159797    .5884426
      1980#two parent neither works  |   .2499576   .0142426    17.55   0.000     .2220427    .2778726
         1990#two parents both work  |   .0522432    .003351    15.59   0.000     .0456754     .058811
       1990#single parent who works  |   .3216742   .0114514    28.09   0.000     .2992299    .3441185
          1990#two parents, 1 works  |   .1393828   .0055338    25.19   0.000     .1285368    .1502287
        1990#single parent not work  |   .7220329   .0161257    44.78   0.000     .6904272    .7536386
      1990#two parent neither works  |   .4508194   .0236018    19.10   0.000     .4045608    .4970779
         2000#two parents both work  |   .0353497    .002653    13.32   0.000       .03015    .0405494
       2000#single parent who works  |   .2611999   .0092187    28.33   0.000     .2431316    .2792681
          2000#two parents, 1 works  |   .1326918   .0061026    21.74   0.000     .1207309    .1446528
        2000#single parent not work  |   .6194932   .0178589    34.69   0.000     .5844904     .654496
      2000#two parent neither works  |   .3271496    .025161    13.00   0.000      .277835    .3764642
         2005#two parents both work  |   .0538684   .0093123     5.78   0.000     .0356165    .0721202
       2005#single parent who works  |   .3412457   .0276454    12.34   0.000     .2870617    .3954296
          2005#two parents, 1 works  |   .1361372   .0147456     9.23   0.000     .1072364    .1650379
        2005#single parent not work  |   .6211686   .0524374    11.85   0.000     .5183932    .7239441
      2005#two parent neither works  |   .5493319   .0562097     9.77   0.000     .4391628    .6595009
         2010#two parents both work  |   .0481849   .0078606     6.13   0.000     .0327784    .0635914
       2010#single parent who works  |   .3539872   .0284831    12.43   0.000     .2981614    .4098129
          2010#two parents, 1 works  |   .1759742    .019204     9.16   0.000      .138335    .2136135
        2010#single parent not work  |   .7181594    .034863    20.60   0.000     .6498291    .7864896
      2010#two parent neither works  |   .5242443   .0635516     8.25   0.000     .3996854    .6488032
         2015#two parents both work  |   .0287516   .0074878     3.84   0.000     .0140757    .0434275
       2015#single parent who works  |   .3254646   .0277078    11.75   0.000     .2711583     .379771
          2015#two parents, 1 works  |   .1836635   .0202412     9.07   0.000     .1439915    .2233355
        2015#single parent not work  |   .8088446   .0327768    24.68   0.000     .7446032    .8730861
      2015#two parent neither works  |   .5311198   .0785289     6.76   0.000      .377206    .6850337
  . estimates store wffadjusted
  . matrix list e(V)
      symmetric e(V)[30,30]
                        0.yr#       0.yr#       0.yr#       0.yr#       0.yr#       1.yr#       1.yr#       1.yr#       1.yr#       1.yr#       2.yr#
                       1.wff       2.wff       3.wff       4.wff       5.wff       1.wff       2.wff       3.wff       4.wff       5.wff       1.wff
      0.yr#1.wff   .00001242
      0.yr#2.wff   7.340e-07   .00014105
      0.yr#3.wff   2.199e-07   5.534e-07   .00001327
      0.yr#4.wff  -2.139e-07   5.886e-06   9.026e-07   .00034172
      0.yr#5.wff  -1.301e-07   6.130e-07   3.776e-07   4.222e-06   .00020285
      1.yr#1.wff   1.867e-07  -5.748e-08   5.765e-08  -1.266e-06  -5.697e-07   .00001123
      1.yr#2.wff   2.679e-07   2.166e-06  -9.010e-08   1.678e-06  -1.745e-06   2.813e-07   .00013113
      1.yr#3.wff   8.338e-08  -5.120e-07   3.371e-07  -7.284e-07  -3.930e-07   1.873e-07   3.053e-08   .00003062
      1.yr#4.wff  -7.449e-07   3.276e-06   3.351e-07   .00001225   1.832e-06  -9.796e-07   3.102e-06  -4.659e-08   .00026004
      1.yr#5.wff  -6.098e-07  -2.076e-06   6.288e-08   1.449e-06   3.539e-06  -4.787e-07  -2.322e-06  -1.517e-08   1.247e-06   .00055704
      2.yr#1.wff   3.155e-08  -1.812e-07  -1.214e-07  -8.393e-07  -1.473e-07   5.469e-08  -8.305e-08  -7.756e-08  -8.354e-07  -6.994e-08   7.038e-06
      2.yr#2.wff  -1.382e-07   1.539e-06  -4.781e-07   2.672e-06  -3.785e-08  -2.913e-07   1.072e-06  -7.350e-07   2.304e-06  -6.840e-07  -3.628e-09
      2.yr#3.wff  -2.268e-07  -1.173e-06  -1.972e-07  -1.062e-06   6.895e-07  -1.552e-07  -1.274e-06  -2.021e-07  -1.387e-06   1.073e-06   9.318e-08
      2.yr#4.wff  -8.453e-07   2.191e-06  -6.872e-07   9.158e-06   3.915e-06  -1.262e-06   5.589e-08  -1.553e-06   7.337e-06   3.161e-06  -2.432e-07
      2.yr#5.wff  -1.362e-06  -2.468e-06  -1.128e-06   2.296e-06   3.558e-06  -1.167e-06  -2.989e-06  -1.218e-06   1.484e-06   4.801e-06   4.696e-08
      3.yr#1.wff  -4.586e-07   5.137e-07  -6.227e-07   2.368e-06   5.346e-09  -2.540e-08   2.741e-06   5.206e-08   4.276e-06   1.013e-06  -8.176e-08
      3.yr#2.wff  -3.837e-07   3.443e-07  -1.401e-06  -8.255e-07  -3.430e-06  -3.516e-07   1.115e-06  -1.241e-06   3.917e-07  -3.186e-06   1.447e-07
      3.yr#3.wff   9.301e-08  -2.395e-06  -3.479e-07  -6.085e-06  -1.089e-06   5.647e-07  -5.122e-07  -6.522e-08  -4.709e-06  -6.073e-07   4.541e-07
      3.yr#4.wff  -2.870e-07   2.618e-06  -1.937e-06   2.633e-06   3.505e-06  -4.181e-07  -2.624e-07  -3.459e-06  -2.898e-07   6.888e-07   9.084e-07
      3.yr#5.wff   6.962e-07  -1.991e-06   1.198e-06  -4.332e-06   2.824e-06   5.203e-07  -3.783e-06   4.620e-07  -6.437e-06   2.153e-06   2.915e-07
      4.yr#1.wff   2.677e-07  -5.623e-07   7.846e-09  -2.891e-06  -7.218e-07   3.353e-07  -2.309e-07   1.233e-07  -2.737e-06  -6.691e-07   1.855e-07
      4.yr#2.wff   5.101e-07   2.400e-06   2.721e-07   1.407e-06  -1.651e-06   2.195e-07   2.205e-06   2.699e-09   1.395e-06  -2.874e-06  -8.424e-08
      4.yr#3.wff   3.951e-07  -2.956e-06   6.158e-07  -6.744e-06  -3.010e-06   6.230e-07  -9.742e-07   1.309e-06  -4.703e-06  -1.447e-06   4.381e-09
      4.yr#4.wff  -1.111e-06   2.091e-06  -2.527e-07   .00001156   1.865e-06  -1.434e-06   1.626e-06  -3.004e-07   .00001202   2.755e-06  -8.687e-07
      4.yr#5.wff   3.178e-07  -2.638e-06  -8.696e-07  -7.380e-06   3.650e-06   9.051e-07  -7.990e-07  -1.189e-06  -6.567e-06   3.540e-06   1.124e-06
      5.yr#1.wff  -3.190e-08  -1.220e-06  -5.622e-08  -2.135e-06   3.652e-08   4.045e-08  -1.455e-06   3.576e-08  -2.430e-06   4.048e-07   1.150e-07
      5.yr#2.wff   1.688e-07  -4.241e-06  -1.160e-06  -.00001146  -3.026e-06   1.117e-06  -7.873e-07  -2.806e-07  -8.205e-06  -1.459e-06   9.072e-07
      5.yr#3.wff   5.219e-08  -6.195e-06  -4.394e-07  -.00001258  -2.319e-06   1.055e-06  -2.641e-06   7.478e-07  -9.239e-06   3.162e-07   6.741e-07
      5.yr#4.wff  -8.626e-07   6.063e-07   1.040e-07   7.880e-06   7.203e-07  -9.646e-07   2.163e-06   6.239e-07   .00001028   2.437e-06  -8.708e-07
      5.yr#5.wff  -1.531e-06  -3.445e-06  -2.239e-06  -1.033e-06   4.816e-07  -6.165e-07  -1.023e-06  -1.436e-06   1.596e-06   2.839e-06   3.882e-07
                        2.yr#       2.yr#       2.yr#       2.yr#       3.yr#       3.yr#       3.yr#       3.yr#       3.yr#       4.yr#       4.yr#
                       2.wff       3.wff       4.wff       5.wff       1.wff       2.wff       3.wff       4.wff       5.wff       1.wff       2.wff
      2.yr#2.wff   .00008498
      2.yr#3.wff  -2.959e-07   .00003724
      2.yr#4.wff   3.006e-06   2.924e-07   .00031894
      2.yr#5.wff   1.122e-06   1.818e-06   6.698e-06   .00063307
      3.yr#1.wff   1.623e-06  -9.438e-07   2.933e-06  -9.773e-07   .00008672
      3.yr#2.wff   2.245e-06  -1.015e-07   1.356e-06   1.900e-06   2.077e-06   .00076427
      3.yr#3.wff  -1.079e-06   7.806e-07  -3.360e-06   1.991e-07   4.292e-07  -2.252e-06   .00021743
      3.yr#4.wff   4.515e-06   9.680e-07   .00001035   8.508e-06   6.674e-06   3.453e-06  -3.812e-06   .00274968
      3.yr#5.wff  -3.350e-06   1.525e-06  -3.891e-06   1.117e-06  -8.032e-07  -7.091e-06  -6.360e-07  -8.737e-06   .00315954
      4.yr#1.wff  -6.309e-07   9.898e-08  -2.117e-06  -1.006e-06  -2.262e-07  -2.724e-07   9.003e-07  -8.329e-07   8.507e-07   .00006179
      4.yr#2.wff   8.616e-07  -9.530e-07  -9.312e-07  -2.951e-06   3.019e-06  -1.261e-06  -1.487e-06  -1.064e-06  -3.165e-06   5.304e-08   .00081128
      4.yr#3.wff  -2.754e-06  -1.774e-08  -7.122e-06  -2.708e-06  -3.753e-07  -2.872e-06   7.202e-07  -6.423e-06   1.260e-06   1.020e-06  -2.651e-06
      4.yr#4.wff   2.734e-06  -7.918e-07   8.580e-06   3.784e-06   2.545e-06   2.331e-07  -2.994e-06   8.098e-06  -3.772e-06  -2.377e-06  -7.449e-08
      4.yr#5.wff  -1.348e-06   1.675e-06   7.876e-07   4.568e-06   3.691e-06  -5.026e-06  -2.443e-07   3.075e-06  -1.781e-07   4.492e-07  -7.389e-07
      5.yr#1.wff  -4.690e-07   6.423e-07  -9.436e-07   9.282e-07   8.926e-08  -1.077e-07   1.170e-06  -1.006e-06   1.056e-06   4.744e-07  -9.579e-07
      5.yr#2.wff  -6.812e-07   1.073e-06  -4.235e-06   1.412e-06   3.803e-06  -1.163e-06  -4.163e-07  -3.511e-06  -6.652e-06   1.544e-06  -7.746e-08
      5.yr#3.wff  -2.856e-06   1.489e-06  -6.876e-06   8.300e-07   1.649e-06  -3.173e-06   2.048e-06  -8.067e-06  -6.642e-07   1.702e-06  -7.679e-07
      5.yr#4.wff   6.419e-07  -7.976e-07   4.188e-06   1.256e-06   3.589e-06  -1.371e-06  -3.585e-07   4.848e-06  -9.798e-07  -2.023e-06  -5.123e-07
      5.yr#5.wff   2.789e-06   1.433e-06   6.769e-06   8.566e-06   5.814e-06   3.942e-06   4.506e-07   6.488e-06  -7.750e-06  -7.400e-07   7.339e-07
                        4.yr#       4.yr#       4.yr#       5.yr#       5.yr#       5.yr#       5.yr#       5.yr#
                       3.wff       4.wff       5.wff       1.wff       2.wff       3.wff       4.wff       5.wff
      4.yr#3.wff    .0003688
      4.yr#4.wff  -6.179e-06   .00121543
      4.yr#5.wff  -2.330e-06   3.329e-09   .00403881
      5.yr#1.wff   1.095e-06  -1.934e-06   1.814e-06   .00005607
      5.yr#2.wff   7.673e-07  -3.913e-06  -3.520e-06   8.593e-07   .00076772
      5.yr#3.wff   4.272e-06  -6.039e-06  -1.805e-06   1.581e-06  -9.466e-07   .00040971
      5.yr#4.wff  -3.733e-06   5.217e-06   1.828e-06  -1.846e-06  -1.037e-06  -2.557e-06   .00107432
      5.yr#5.wff  -2.184e-06   5.651e-06   1.684e-06  -5.561e-07  -5.079e-07  -2.352e-06   3.578e-06   .00616679
  .  coefplot (wffraw, label(raw)) (wffadjusted, label(adjusted)), 
ytitle(Poverty Rate) ///
        title(Raw and Adjusted Poverty Rates by WFF) keep(0.yr#1.wff 0.yr#2.wff 0.yr#3.wff ///
        0.yr#4.wff 0.yr#5.wff  5.yr#1.wff 5.yr#2.wff 5.yr#3.wff 5.yr#4.wff 5.yr#5.wff  ) ///
        mlabangle(45) vertical

[1980 and 2015 Margins by WFF] (fig9edit.png)

Margins plots from full regression

Margins Plots across all years for Two Parents Two Working

  .  coefplot (wffadjusted, label(adjusted)), ytitle(Poverty Rate) 
        title(Raw and Adjusted Poverty Rates by WFF) keep(0.yr#1.wff 1.yr#1.wff 2.yr#1.wff 3.yr#1.wff ///
        4.yr#1.wff 5.yr#1.wff) ///
        mlabangle(45) vertical ///
        recast(bar) barwidth(0.5) ciopts(recast(rcap)) citop

For the following five graphs, Graphs were produced in Stata, then edited

and cleaned for visibility. After editing, graphs were saved as .pnw files in

the working folder.

! [Two Parent Two Working] (fig9_2P2W.png)

Margins Plots across all years for One Parent One Working

  .  coefplot  (wffadjusted, label(adjusted)), ytitle(Poverty Rate)
        title(Raw and Adjusted Poverty Rates by WFF) keep(0.yr#2.wff 1.yr#2.wff 2.yr#2.wff 3.yr#2.wff ///
        4.yr#2.wff 5.yr#2.wff) ///
        mlabangle(45) vertical ///
        recast(bar) barwidth(0.5) ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///

! [One Parent One Working] (fig_91P1W.png)

Margins Plots across all years for Two Parents One Working

  .  coefplot   (wffadjusted, label(adjusted)), ytitle(Poverty Rate
) ///
        title(Raw and Adjusted Poverty Rates by WFF) keep(0.yr#3.wff 1.yr#3.wff 2.yr#3.wff 3.yr#3.wff ///
        4.yr#3.wff 5.yr#3.wff) ///
        mlabangle(45) vertical ///
        recast(bar) barwidth(0.5) ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///

! [Two Parent One Working] (fig9_2P1W.png)

Margins Plots across all years for One Parent None Working

  .  coefplot  (wffadjusted, label(adjusted)), ytitle(Poverty Rate)
        title(Raw and Adjusted Poverty Rates by WFF) keep(0.yr#4.wff 1.yr#4.wff 2.yr#4.wff 3.yr#4.wff ///
        4.yr#4.wff 5.yr#4.wff) ///
        mlabangle(45) vertical ///
        recast(bar) barwidth(0.5) ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///

! [One Parent None Working] (fig9_1P0W.png)

Margins Plots across all years for Two Parents None Working

  .  coefplot  (wffadjusted, label(adjusted)), ytitle(Poverty Rate)
        title(Raw and Adjusted Poverty Rates by WFF) keep(0.yr#5.wff 1.yr#5.wff 2.yr#5.wff 3.yr#5.wff ///
        4.yr#5.wff 5.yr#5.wff) ///
        mlabangle(45) vertical ///
        recast(bar) barwidth(0.5) ciopts(recast(rcap)) ///

! [Two Parent None Working] (fig9_2P0W.png)

  .  quietly log close

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